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 (Career: 11.1 pts, 8.4 asts, 4.6 reb per game) Maybe not the most athletic point guards, but unbelievably crafty. Rajon Rondo has been notorious for not only attacking the rim (6 foot 1 inch, 186) with his small size, but with style. Hiding the ball, crafty illusions, and quickness has been all a part of the style of Rondo. Averaging around two steals per game, and being known for “hounding” the ball makes Rondo no pushover on defense either. Rondo is a great point guard, with scoring ability and the court vision (picking up 8.4 asts per game) makes the Boston Celtics an overall better team when he is commanding the point guard position.

#3 Chris Paul 
 (Career: 18.6 pts, 9.9 ast, 4.4 reb per game) Hailing from Lob City, and surrounded by talented post players in Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan, CP3 racks up the assets, and highlights. Watching the L.A. Clippers with Chris Paul run the helm is an absolute thrilling show. With shooting ability in Jamal Crawford, and rim rattling, rebound magnetic Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan, CP3 probably has a hard time picking his poison. Though surrounded by his own talent, Chris can call his own number when wants as well (18.6 pts per game), along with getting other players involved in the game with 9.9 assists per game makes CP3 in the top 5 list for point guards.

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Posted | Views: 792
Top 5 Point Guards Today 
 The point guard in basketball is an absolute crucial position. The ideal point guard doesn’t even have to be a major scorer, a solid point guard needs to have good ball handling, a high IQ for the game, and great court vision. If your point guard has to may turnovers, rushes his/hers passes, and can’t handle pressure, along with not making the right reads on offense or not even setting up the offense or defense, that is a great recipe for disaster.
 Point guards need to be the commanders on the court, setting up defenses and making sure offensive plays are run correctly. Knowing the defenses’ moves before being made on offense, and knowing how to get in position to make a play on defense. What separates the ok point guards, from the good point guards, from the excellent point guards is the ability to score, the ability to get others in position to score, and athleticism. When you tie in all the previous listed attributes, you get excellence, and all of these point guards have excellence.

#5 D Rose  
 (Career: 20.8 pts, 6.7 ast per game, with a 46% field goal percentage) Though missing about half of the 2011-2012 season, the whole 2012-2013, and only playing 10 games in the 2013-2014 season due to a torn ACL, Derrick Rose is looking just as healthy as ever. With only 5 years of experience (all with Bulls), the 2008 first round draftee still has a lot of “wows” left in his arsenal. Standing at 6 foot 3 inches and usually being one of the smaller players on the floor D Rose doesn’t let that bother him. With ridiculous athletic ability and speed, above average shooting ability, and great court vision (though being mostly injured that last 3 seasons) D Rose will still be a point guard needing a lot of defensive attention.

Feature 2

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     Many children, and many adults for that matter, have had the questions of “how did all these animals get here?” For most animals, these questions have been answered; the dairy breed of Jerseys being one of them. The Jerseys are a fascinating breed of cattle, both dairy and overall. Many people are not aware of how useful to society they really are.

Jersey History
     Believe it or not, Jersey cattle originated from the, Island of Jersey, which is located towards France within the English Channel. Oklahoma State writes, “The Jersey is one of the oldest dairy breeds, having been reported by authorities as being purebred for nearly six centuries.” Since the early fifteenth century, Jerseys have been one of the most desirable and yielding breeds of dairy cattle. No wonder they were shipped off to the New World for the colonists to use as well! “At that early date, the cattle of Jersey island were commonly referred to as Alderney cattle, although the cattle of this island were later referred to only as Jerseys” (OK State).
     One of the major pros of Jerseys would be their climate lenience. Jerseys have been known to be adaptable to nearly all climates, within reason. They have the ability to form thick coats of hair and they possess a type of skin that enables them to expend heat easier. This flexible quality made the Jerseys prime for the long, brutal, and uncleanliness trip to America.
     Take a look at some major events in history that have an impact on the dairy cattle industry. They've been around in America for a lot longer than most people might think, over 400 years! According to Dasc, there are some famous milestones in the Jersey world.  

Major Events in Dairy History
1611-First cows arrived at the Jamestown Colony
1810-First dairy cooperative in the U.S. organized in Goshen, Connecticut
1851-First commercial cheese factory established in New York
1856-First commercial butter factory established in New York
1868-The American Jersey Cattle Club was founded in America.
1884-Milk bottle invented
1906- First dairy show recorded in Chicago
1930- First dairy judging, titled Hoard’s Dairyman show
1940-American Dairy Association founded.
1940-Purebred Dairy Cattle Association formed.
1943-The PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Score Card was first copyrighted.
1967-World Dairy Expo founded and holds first show.
     As the reader can see, there are many important milestones that the Jersey breed and even the whole dairy industry has come a long ways since they were first used and raised. Some of these events are known or recognized by people that aren’t familiar with the dairy industry, such as the milk bottle. This goes to show how influential dairy cattle can be.

Major Points of Showing Jerseys
     Although it’s quite ridiculous, and a pain to keep up with laundry, the official show clothes for the showman of all breeds of dairy cattle are white pants and white shirts. Rumor states the tradition started with the milkmaids (a woman who would milk cows for a living), who wore white while milking cows. It must’ve stuck because there is hardly a judge that will allow the showman to wear anything but all white. It has also been noted that wearing white brings out and highlights the natural beauty of the Jersey.
     The most commonly heard sentence spoken from city fair goers about Jersey cattle would be “Oh my! They are so skinny! Do they ever get anything to eat?” Fact is, yes, all the time. Jerseys don’t typically gain weight in their ribs, however it’s mostly in their belly and legs. Actually, the nice, long ribs on Jerseys are what dairy judges look for in jerseys and the majority of the other diary breeds as well (not to eat of course). Other significant features that are looked for are a nice round udder, which accounts for 40% of the stated scorecard above, straight and even back, and a smooth walking stride that is not wobbly and shaky.

     People underestimate the importance of Jerseys and even their distant dairy cousins of the other dairy breeds. Even though they have been known of since the early fifteenth century, jerseys did not originate in America, but they were brought over in 1611, to the New World to become a major source of butter, cheese, and cream. Jerseys are the most low maintenance breed of dairy cattle, as they adapt well to climate changes and are low to health problems. It’s mandatory that all showmen wear white when showing a Jersey, as it brings out the good qualities of the cow. It also is a prime measurer for showing how dirty you get. Judges like to see a deep ribcage, a plump and full udder, a straight back with no strain on any other body part, and a nice walking gate that resembles the Jersey walking on glass. Even though Jerseys won't always be the first breed people think of when they think of cows, Jerseys are undoubtedly one of the more important breeds of America.

Works Cited
Briggs, Hilton M. "Jersey." Breeds of Livestock. Breeds of Livestock, 22 Feb. 1995. Web. 27
 Oct. 2014
Tory, and 2010 Virginia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, St. Chapter 1: Dates in Dairy History (n.d.): n.
 pag. Dasc. Web. 27 Oct. 2014

History of Jerseys


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Another key factor in the summer is nutrition. Taking care of their nutrition, just as much as putting their miles on, can make runners a champion at any distance. Not fueling yourself properly could cause them to experience overtraining syndrome. This causes a runner to never reach their full potential. Experiment with new, healthier, foods in the summer to get your body used to different foods. Fine tuning a runner’s eating and drinking habits can help to reach full potential.
Training during the hot summer months is already hard enough, to make it a little easier on your body, eat a little healthier. A teen’s body is growing and changing during high school. Mix sports in with that too, and the body needs the right things going into it. Not eating enough during the season, can cause the body to loose muscle mass which raises the chances of injuries.
Deciding how many calories to eat a day is a bit tricky. There are different factors to consider when deciding. Age is the biggest factor on that. Another factor would be how many miles you are putting on a week. The more miles put on, the more calories that are getting burning off, which makes for a higher calorie intake. The standard numbers though are 2800 calories for the twelve year old runner in middle school, up to 3800 for the eighteen year old senior. These calories should be taken at three meals a day, and three snacks a day. Meals should have a calorie intake of five-hundred to eight-hundred. Meanwhile snacks should only be one-hundred to four-hundred.
For eating something light right before a workout, try half of an energy bar and sports drink one hour before a workout. After a workout, try doing the same thing for faster recovery. It will help get rid of any lactic acid build up in the legs and get runners ready to perform the next day. Another thing that will help with this is getting at least two to three liters of water a day. Keeping the body hydrated will make runners feel like they have more energy (Dorfman). Following these tips can make an impact on a runner’s nutrition and training habits. This will push a runner to be the best they can be.
There are many things that need to be done to reach your full potential in high school. We can’t all be like Obsa Ali and win state with one shoe, but we can reach our full potential by eating foods filled with nutrients and training right. Going by these guidelines will ensure you to have some success in high school running.

The Differences in Cultures

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The Differences in Cultures 
 American culture is very different from the Muslim culture. The way women dress and women’s roles and expectations are just two examples. Most Americans don’t understand the reasons for the differences, and this article will explain some of the differences.
 Women in the Middle East are viewed as oppressed by their religion, however, these “oppressive” practices did not come from Islam. They come from local cultural traditions. It is true that many women struggle with equality in the Middle East, but that happens all around the world. According to, women in the Middle East were given rights that Western women were not given until the 19th century. Muslim women have always kept their assets after marriage, they specify their conditions in marriage, and many women keep their last name after marriage, while women in America were not given these rights until the late 19th century (More Rights Than One Might Think).
Women have always struggled with education rights. Although the Quran says to educate sons AND daughters, many girls were being taught to stay at home to raise the children and to maintain the household. Now, more and more women are fighting back and going to secondary school and college, too. Middle Eastern government positions are beginning to be filled by women, which has taken a long time to happen. More and more women are going out, finding jobs and bringing home money to support their families. According to, Middle Eastern economic growth increases 3.7 percent every year as the adult population’s average education level rises (More Rights Than One Might Think).
 Now, in America, women think Muslim women are being treated so poorly, and they are, however, aren’t women being treated similarly here at home? American women have to fight for their workplace equality, and the belief that men are better than women are. According to the, women earn 77 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make. We have to fight some of the same battles Middle Easter women do, just on a smaller scale (More Rights Than One Might Think).
 Women here in the United States have been fighting for equality for decades. They were many basic human rights until the 19th century. Women here in the USA have many of the same expectations as Middle Eastern women do. They are expected to stay home, raise the children, and tend to the husband. This is changing, just as it is in the Middle East. More women are going to school, getting an education and getting jobs (More Rights Than One Might Think).
The Muslim religion follows the Quran, which is the equivalent of the Christian Bible. The Quran states that men and women are equal in the eyes of God. It instructs Muslims to educate daughters as well as sons, insists that women should have the right to refuse a prospective husband, states have the right to divorce their husband, and they have the right to own and inherit property (More Rights Than One Might Think).
 Different cultures developed different interpretations of gender roles. Some regions have more restrictive roles, while elite women are sometimes allowed to bend the rules and intermingle with the men. Some Muslims have rejected the limitations put on women and are 
reinterpreting the Quran. Elite women first started wearing the veil as a sign of their status. Poorer, rural women were not required to dress as modestly as elite, urban women because they needed the freedom of movement. This is changing. Women do not have to wear the full veil in many places, which is one way Islam is being reinterpreted (More Rights Than One Might Think).

The differences in dress are obvious. Americans are not as modest as many Muslims. Most women are not afraid to show skin, to show their face, to paint their nails. They aren’t afraid because it’s rare for a woman to be punished for what she wears. Women in the Middle East can be beaten or killed just for showing “too much hair” in public. Elite women in America have always been better dressed, as money allows them to afford better clothes. They are allowed to “go against the grain” just as elite Muslim women were allowed to do. (Women in Islam and Women in the West).
 Going out in public is something else Muslim women have to worry about. In the past, women were not allowed to go out in 
public without a male relative. These women risked beatings, jailing, or even death for defying social norms.
 There are also some similarities between these cultures. The belief that women should stay home, care for the kids and cook for the family was a big part of both cultures. Today, women are going against that, going to school, and getting jobs of their own. People used to think women need a man and that a woman is nothing without a man, but this is not as common anymore.
 Muslim women are not as oppressed as people believe them to be. They have many more rights than Western people think. Unfortunately, they are not viewed as 
equals, but neither are American women. The family roles, clothing, education and employment equality are all things that are changing for women around the world. It will take time, but eventually, women will be viewed as equals all around the world.

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Posted | Views: 700
What can I do to prevent diabetes? 
Making these seven changes in your daily habits is a good way to start.
1. Becoming more active is one of the best things you can do to make diabetes less likely.
2. Lower your weight. If you're overweight, doing 30 minutes a day of moderate exercise will make a difference.
3. Eat better. Load up on fruits and vegetables, especially the less-starchy kinds such as spinach, broccoli, carrots, and green beans. Add more high-fiber foods into your day. Choose whole-grain foods instead of processed grains -- for example, brown rice instead of white rice (Youth Diabetes).
4. Make sleep a priority. Not getting enough sleep regularly makes losing weight harder.
5. Having the right mind set can help. Accept that you won’t do things perfectly every day, but pledge to do your best most of the time (Youth Diabetes).
You will not develop type 2 diabetes automatically if you have pre-diabetes. For some people with pre-diabetes, early treatment can actually return blood glucose levels to the normal range. With these steps, you can stay healthier longer and lower your risk of diabetes.

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Posted | Views: 692
3) Gestational Diabetes
This type affects females during pregnancy. Some women have very high levels of glucose in their blood, and their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin to transport all of the glucose into their cells, resulting in progressively rising levels of glucose (Diabetes).
Diagnosis of gestational diabetes is made during pregnancy.
The majority of gestational diabetes patients can control their diabetes with exercise and diet. Between 10% and 20% of them will need to take some kind of blood-glucose-controlling medications. Undiagnosed or uncontrolled gestational diabetes can raise the risk of complications during childbirth (Bentley). The baby may be bigger than he/she should be.

How to Determine Whether You Have Diabetes, Pre-diabetes or Neither
Doctors can determine whether a patient has a normal metabolism, pre-diabetes or diabetes in one of three different ways - there are three possible tests:
The A1C test
- at least 6.5% means diabetes
- between 5.7% and 5.99% means pre-diabetes
- less than 5.7% means normal (Williams Textbook of 
The FPG (fasting plasma glucose) test
- at least 126 mg/dl means diabetes
- between 100 mg/dl and 125.99 mg/dl means pre-diabetes
- less than 100 mg/dl means normal (Williams Textbook of Endocrinology)
The OGTT (oral glucose tolerance test)
- at least 200 mg/dl means diabetes
- between 140 and 199.9 mg/dl means pre-diabetes
- less than 140 mg/dl means normal (Williams Textbook of Endocrinology)

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In Proverbs 31:30 it says, “Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting (doesn’t last) but a woman who fears to Lord is to be praised.” We will never regret modesty. It might be hard to be different from the mold of the other young people and we might wonder, “Why even bother? It doesn’t make a difference. No one notices.” We shouldn’t let ourselves get in that trap! It does make a difference and people do notice, but that is part of modesty. To have a, “meek and quiet spirit.” The men in our lives that do value modesty will thank us at some point for practicing it. Let’s renew our minds and be modest!  
                       Works Cited
 Vaughan, David and Diane Vaughan. The Beauty of Modesty. Cumberland House, 2005.

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Posted | Views: 983
Why is Modesty Important?
Modesty is important because it is important to God. God has made men attracted to women’s bodies and women attracted to men’s bodies. That is great! God doesn’t want his men or women to stumble, though. Because he said our lives should be free from lust he wants us to be sure we are helping each other not to lust. When you see a lot of skin it gets difficult not to. Now, I am not saying we are responsible for what others do, if someone has a lustful heart they will lust no matter how much clothing we are wearing!
We do need to be considerate to others, however, and not purposefully through stumbling block in our neighbor’s path. This is not meant to judge anyone. This is to give a bit of insight and to encourage us to be modest. Examine our hearts. Examine our motives. If we find deficiencies there we should ask God to renew our minds (Romans12:2) and get on board with modesty!

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                                                                                                                                                                          Fashion Diva
The ways that the workers are treated is just terrible, and they companies knowing what they are doing to the workers are even worse. The workers go to work scared every day, but have no choice because they have a family that they have to support. No matter how bad the pay or work conditions are. Do you still want clothes that bad anymore?

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                                                                                                                                                                       Fashion Diva
Gap and American Eagle, which had orders with That’s It Sportswear (another clothing factory) declined official comment for the story accusing them of knowing about how That’s It Sportswear runs it company, but both have a “vendor code of conduct” that requires producers to meet the standards of local labor laws. American Eagle is aware that some factories are overworking employees and addressed the issue head-on with factory management at That’s It Sportswear within the past year and told them they would not be penalized for overworking employees, even if it was in violation of labor laws that prohibit work weeks longer than 60 hours ( The company has made it a priority that employees get paid for their hours, which is difficult to do when the factory is hiding time sheets.

Shark Tank...Page 29

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  -Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
"All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz
I had to Capture Others Trying To Control their own Destiny.
Austin Convention Center
SXSW 2014 

Fuse Showcase...Page 28

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-Copyright © 2014 Marcus Lamar Coleman
                      "All Rights Reserved"
Austin,Tx 2014
Photo Courtesy Of-Marcuz 
Fuse Showcase Off Red River St. Austin,Tx
SXSW 2014 
To Build On My Own Platform I had To Witness the Next...

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Letter From the Editor

You and Your Child may be the greatest magazine in the history of Parenting magazines, but there is one thing it is missing, you.

Here at YYC Headquarters we are trying to establish a more interactive relationship with our readers. It seems the best way for us to get started is to start holding events. The first of which is our Halloween gathering here at YYC in Nowhere, New York.

There are some other events you should have on your radar as well;

YYC Christmas Party; December 18th (6PM-8PM for Children 8PM-10PM for Parents)

YYC New Year Benefit concert; December 31st-January 1st.

We hope to see you there! Bring the whole family, all of our events are family friendly unless otherwise noted.


Avery Schrader

Editor and Chief

You and Your Child Magazine

You & Your Child

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Posted | Views: 433
Tech-Dry is industry leader in research and development of silicone building protection products in Australia.  Tech-Dry has innovative silicone water repellent / waterproof product range that is manufactured in South Melbourne and includes a wide range of products.  
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Titanic is a 1997 American epic romantic disaster film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron. A fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, it stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage. 
Here is the official trailer 

Able Reblocking

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Looking for house renovation in Melbourne?  Look no further.  Able Reblocking provides professional and cheap restumping services in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs.  We have been operating since 1995 and are part of the HIA and Registered Building Practitioners.  Able Reblocking provide 10 year guarantee on all our work and have public liability insurance of FIVE Million Dollars.  Visit for more information.

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