
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

Magazine Posts Table of Contents

The Ex Factor

Posted 2012-01-17 17:11:03 | Views: 2,064

The EX Factor

When did:
the EX become such a factor to some people? I feel as though if they are
your EX then they are an EXample of what you don’t want the next
person to be. What made them your EX? Is it that they had the qualities
that you were looking for in the beginning but didn’t really stay consistent
with? OR did they just fuck you over? You know how people are amazing in the
first 9-12 weeks of getting to know them, they do all the right things to please
you and make you happy. Then after awhile that diminishes, once they know they
got you in their back pocket. You will deal with the most random bullshit that
they throw at you and still stick around just because they “make you happy” or
you “don’t know what to do without them.” The real reason you don’t want to
leave is because you feel comfortable and they got you to that level. Once you
feel comfortable you never want to leave someone no matter how bad they hurt
you. You will accept anything they throw at you because you think that someone
else won’t want you at all. Trust me you are 100% wrong. Know your worth before
you get into anything with anybody. Do not allow them to destroy your
self-esteem . . . it is called SELF-esteem for a reason. Move on with life, do
you and find something better.

When did the EX become such a
factor for some people?

Random situation that a couple of my
friends have been through:

Have you ever been in that situation where
someone you’re talking too just abruptly just leaves the “getting to know”
relationship you guys had and just disappears without a trace? Come to find out
they went back to their EX who they constantly BASH and had a falling out
with, but there OFFICIALLY back together? The crazy thing about this, is that you
wasted a couple months getting to know them and spent hours with them. Then when
they just up and disappear they don’t do the grown up thing, which is talk to
you about it or give you an explanation. In my mind this is wrong, especially if
you don’t even talk to the person and just leave. Sometimes you can’t understand
why people do things; you just have to understand that life has its lessons. If
you don’t completely END something with an EX then sometimes
moving on is hard. People love that comfortable feeling with their EX’s
that why they still consider their EX a factor in their

“You have to let go of your EX to receive your next and that
will be your best. You can’t embrace the future while clinging to the

Thoughts of a Random Guy...

Author: Kevin Pierre

My Secret

Posted 2012-01-15 01:03:19 | Views: 2,195


Posted 2012-01-14 21:12:58 | Views: 2,540


"It's hard to accept the truth, but even harder to live with a lie"


"You can close your eyes to things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to things you don't want to feel

Hrsh Reyalitee

Posted 2012-01-14 20:40:19 | Views: 2,467

HRSH REYALITEEPoet.Writer.Realist.

 (pronounced: Harsh Reality), the native New Yorker is a young poet who developed a love and appreciation for Poetry and the art of words at the young age of 10 by writing short stories and rhymes.

“The road has not been easy. However, because I was expecting traffic, delays, set backs, haters and crap. I wouldn’t switch lanes for anything in the world. Through everything that I had to go through, and put myself through to get here, I am exactly where I should be. I Thank God, My Daddy (R.I.P), and My Mommy” -Hrsh


Posted 2012-01-14 02:54:44 | Views: 2,731

The ' U'

What do you represent?

>I represent realness and honesty inspired by the Creator
 When did you know you wanted this for a career?

>When I saw Wale perform live back in 2009
How did your 1st show feel?

>It was nerve racking but the realest most genuine moment of my life
Who is your ideal industry woman?

>That changes like the seasons lol but rite now Katy Perry, she's gorgeous and is very authentic
What do you look for in a mate?

>Someone who is interesting, knows what they want out of life, talented, funny, loves being alive
 Where do you plan to take your passion?

>As far as the Creator wants me to go
Motto/Quote to live by:

>It takes courage to be different; Trust and believe in yourself and those around you everything else will fall in place
 Favorite Food(s)=>Jeloff Rice/Goat Meat/Chicken
 Favorite Music=>Everything Dope (minus country)
Bittersweet Moment=>Graduating College and never being a student ever again


Nationality: Nigerian

Rapper. Innovator

Thick Girls vs Skinny Girls

Posted 2012-01-13 19:29:32 | Views: 2,276
What are men attracted most too..I have a major complex about my body, it seems like men now-a-days like girls that are really tiny?-Secret
  • Mars: My mouth waters seein a thick girl, nothing better than something to grab,something to hold on to,and a woman who isnt scared to eat food.                           
  • Mars:....i use to like a "twig" (skinny) type of girl.....but they cant handle me sexually                           
  • Rude Gyal: I always hear about guys saying skinny girls can't handle them sexually, I don't know what skinny females ya'll have been with, but this one right here handles hers and I've got plenty to hold on to.                           
  • Rude Gyal: The whole eatin thing, i'm offended. I eat A LOT, I just don't gain weight                           
  • Secret: I would like to be skinny so I would be representing the skinny girls too, because I know if i was I would be able to handle what was given to me. It's just a matter of the type a girl you are and how u like it ...                           
  • Supa: Well I love a girl with curves. Thighs hips and all. I've had petite women and don't mind the tossing and turning in the sheets at all.                            
  • Supa: though I do feel like I would hurt a skinny girl when I go hard                           
  • Queen: A real man loves curves                           
  • Big Blue:Girls with some type of meat to them are ALWAYS good. it's extra sexy                           


Posted 2012-01-13 18:37:33 | Views: 2,445

Cori Barnes.



Newark, NJ



Posted 2012-01-13 15:23:23 | Views: 2,203

As a young girl, Trishy Marie found herself in a daze for fashion. From clothing to accessories, she caught herself infatuated with style and textures. Being a New Jersey native, New York City was just a train ride away; her love for the city life was enormous. Traveling to the city as a teenager, she got in touch with her creative side finding inspiration in the urban city and just in the New York Native lifestyle. She shortly discovered that the city was the place she had needed to be.



Jersey City

Fashion Designer

 If you're that girl who loves to be the center of attention, fun, flirty and fashionable, you can call this your personal jewelry box. Trishy Marie is known for a vibrant pink lipstick signature which she is going to incorporate in all her designs. So if you see Trishy Marie followed by a pink lip signature, that's how you know you have an official Trishy Marie design.

Opinion Blog #1. FB Girls

Posted 2012-01-13 14:26:08 | Views: 2,365


Posted 2012-01-13 14:15:40 | Views: 2,301

Brian Shockley aka Supa(Man)

Age:23 until Feb 7th.

Web Designer.Poet

I'm eccentric. I have my head stuck in the clouds. I refuse to conform to what society feels I should. I'm stubborn, care too little about opinions and too much about my passions.


I didn't finish school..I stopped to travel, learn thru experience, and share art. I went to Florida for a year on a seeking journey and learned a great deal of trades and about myself. Now I'm back and found something that can combine all the things I love into one and help launch me and many of my peers into a professional world.


I'm currently writing my 1st novel and travelling across the country meeting artists and young business-minded people like myself to help mold the future before we're all lost in these empty trends. -Supa


Posted 2012-01-13 12:34:01 | Views: 3,723

What drives you?

My dad always raised me to represent my family and uphold our last name. It's strong and as long as I have that I can acheive anything.


When did you want to do this? 

I realized 3yrs ago when I saw my brother on stage. It was such a rush for me. So many opportunities have come up, and I will not take them for granted.


How did you feel during you 1st competition?

I was scared and nervous but it gave me a this high. It made me feel complete. It was the 1st time I didn't have a team helping and it was all me.


Who is your ideal celebrity?



What do you look for in a mate?

Ambitious. Style. Ability to care for a woman


Where do you want your career to take you?

I want own gym and a feature in Muscle Fitness.



Live it. Learn it. Love it. Let it go.


Fav Food: Sushi

Fav Music: Underground Hip-Hop

Tiffany Shockley. 26. Body Builder. Model. Warrior


Posted 2012-01-13 10:51:47 | Views: 2,394

Fancy Photography.

<- Zantaya



Founder of Fancy Photography.


"when I first started taking pictures it wasn't a big deal to me and when I look back on my first picture it really didn't make me feel way.

,But as I got better and more creative with my work, it made me so overly excited that I had to show everyone what I did."- fancy

"I feel as though my work inspires not only me but a lot of people. Thinking and not limiting yourself can bring a lot of good things to your life. And if being different, creative, and weird makes you stand out then your minor goal has been completed." - fancy


Posted 2012-01-13 03:05:02 | Views: 2,444

Image of a Queen


Posted 2012-01-13 02:50:58 | Views: 2,441

Rich Webb <---Mixtape Download

Name: Rich Webb

Age: 25

Hometown: Newark NJ

Race: American



Posted 2012-01-13 02:31:43 | Views: 2,291

Herds of The Fathers is a lifestyle brand that is eager to provide every accessory needed to keep up with the ever-changing gentleman.

Name: Jason Akoi
Age: 23
Hometown: Newark, New Jersey
Nationality: Liberian

Style: My style is very laid back. Bury me in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt when's it's my time to go. Don't get me wrong, I can definitely switch it up whenever I have to, but effortless appeal is always the goal. Confidence speaks volumes. I think nowadays people are forgetting that style should always be about  comfort and function, first and foremost. I will never sacrifice those things just to obtain a certain "look". If I don't feel right in it, I'm not wearing it. The products that our company provides are a perfect compliment to what I do as far as style goes. Accessories play a big part in bringing my simple outfits to another level. I just live my life and have as much fun as possible....the goal is to package that and present it to the world in the form of a brand.

Name: Tobi Babajide


Hometown: Pennsauknen NJ

Nationality: Nigerian

Style: Defining my style is a difficult task because its hard to pin point and give it one label. Personal style is not something that needs to be confined and shaped in a box. My style changes and evolves on a day to day basis. The most I could say about my style is that I dress how I feel. I buy what I know makes me feel like myself. Somedays I could go for the professional look, the workman, the carefree, or the minimalist look. I use the  clothes I wear as props, props that project lifestyle, feelings, and values. Style should be specific to the individual. Each day, I make sure I am not a duplicate of another individual or brand. Imitation when it comes to style is not flattering, its quite the opposite. Some individuals have the ability to make anything stylish because they have confidence, aura, and presense. Style without these things is a waste. "Fashions is eternal" YSL.