
I'm just a young entrepreneur with an artistic vision. We all have a unique story to tell, I can see us all working towards the same goals through my perspective. I do design websites besides this one for artists, entrepreneurs, and personal endeavors. [email protected]

Magazine Posts Table of Contents

Fly Guy

Posted 2012-05-16 15:55:24 | Views: 2,500

Shawn Harris. 'Fashionist'

“If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” -Milton Berle

1. What inspires your style?

I like to think that my style is and extension of me and how I express myself. I don't go out of my way to try to be different from others, uniqueness come from being you. You can find style from white collar business people, to homeless people, or even your parents. I wear things that I actually like instead of it just being a brand name everyone has.


2. favorite Accessory:

If I had to choose one then it would be a belt. Belts can be very fashionable and you see alot of people in the media wearing the nicest belts on the market.

3. Who were you in your past life?

In my past life, I feel that I was Jimi Hendrix. He had a love for music, life,
and just trying to live it to the fullest. He was such a unique individual and I feel that he became successful by just being himself. He had humbleness and wisdom, which are traits I feel that I have. He always accomplished something by believing in himself and not having someone else tell him how he should do it. I can relate.


6Shooter cont.

4. Who will you be in your next life?
I do know or hope is that I hope I’m a person that can change society to the
bettering of the people. I want to impact [people] to a point where people
could look back and say “this was a noble man who changed society by…”, and
hope that people could live vicariously through good examples I have set for


5. Most Prized possessions: (3)
Hmmm, this is a tough one. In sequential order that matter to me most, the
first being my family, especially my mother because I don’t know what I would
do without this woman. My family has guided me through struggles and has

taught me life lessons that I would love to teach my children if I may be so

blessed to have some. Secondly, even though not tangible, it’s my education

[since] I do feel it’s a necessity in life. Lastly, my third most prized possession

would be my sneaker collection. I like to consider myself an advent sneaker

collector. I know I’m not the greatest collector, but I’ve had probably over

300 pairs of sneakers since I started collecting and it will keep on growing

because my sneaker are a part of me." 

6.                                  Life Motto

"The brick walls are there for a reason. The brick walls are not there to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. The brick walls are there to stop the people who don't want it badly enough. They are there to stop other people" - Randy Pausch

CMS Photography

Posted 2012-05-04 16:49:58 | Views: 2,560

Cornell 'Tax' Sutton





1.When did you take your 1st portfolio picture? What made you say this was your calling?
*11th grade. My high school had its 1st Annual Fashion show and my work was included on the flyer as promo.  I knew this was my calling once I realized I [created] images of memories that last a lifetime.

2.How do you choose your scenes? *Honestly, I usually go with my first instinct. As soon as a [blueprint] is constructed, I try my hardest to choose locations that are beneficial in displaying my aesthetic to the world.

3.What do you expect from your work? (Present/Future)
*Presently, just to be noticed.

*In the future I'd expect that my drive and creative mind can put me in a position as to where I'd be shooting front covers for any major high fashion magazine or billboards for high fashion stores.

4.What mainstream magazine do you think best suits your style?
*Im sure I may come off as JUST a High Fashion Photographer, but I believe my style is quite eclectic. I can't narrow it down to 1, but i'll throw a couple out there; Vogue, Elle, Complex, OUT, Nylon and Billboard.

5. Place you wish you could shoot?

6. Quote you live by.


Mr.Sutton embodies the voice, abnormalities, and edge of an entire generation in his photography. His art evolves with his personal style and experiences. He captures expression & Unique stories in a single frame..


Posted 2012-04-30 20:37:15 | Views: 2,545


1.Favorite Technology:
"My 15 gig iPod Touch. It’s the first generation
edition and my most important piece of technology easily…I refuse to upgrade iPods until this baby stops.."

2.Where do you get your style:
"My lyrics are right out of the 90's, It was the decade that raised me and my mind will never
leave that era."

3.Who were you in your past life:
In my past life I was a farmer who lived on a
fruit/vegetable farm in either Nigeria or in a small community somewhere in rural California.


4.Who do you want to be in the next life?
I wanna own an NFL or MLB team

Kids I grew up with wanted to play professional
sports, [I wanted to be an owner].

5.Who/What would you be if not your (career)? Why?
Sports Columnist/Writer/Reporter/Producer/Anchor (one of those for sure)
I [have a degree] in Sports Broadcast Journalism and can’t go a day without following my respective [sports teams]. Covering sports is something I plan on doing eventually but I'd do it full time if the music wasn't so DOPE


6.birth of the Mixtape.

My parents are the 2 hardest working people I know. They embody the phrase

'work ethic'. It wasn't until I graduated, moved out the house,
and worked full time that I understood what they had been doing for me for my whole life.

"The slogan #NoDaysOff drives me to succeed and be great at all I do."


Diary of a Woman. Part 1

Posted 2012-04-25 18:34:31 | Views: 2,864
A Woman Unbridled [A Passion Least Resistant] part 1

the soft scent of lavender. 
the powerful smell of his cologne. 
the heavy musk of our chemistry. 
passionate and heated. engulfed in the flames of lustful desire. 

the morning after, 
sheets in disarray, 
an empty bottle of cabernet, 
and a single string of pearls around my neck. 

i hear him step into the shower and turn the knob. 
hot water that's not quite unbearable, but just enough. 
his favorite temperature. 
he's washing away any trace of last night's escapades 
and i wonder how he's planning to do that with my vanilla mint body wash. 

it's no matter now, 
seeing that everyone at the office knows. 

they know about our intense glances, 
filled with desire. 
they know about our monday evening rendezvous, 
the violets he sends to my desk every wednesday, 
and the private company credit card he lets me use
 to dress myself in the finest fabrics.

the only person that doesn't know is his wife. 
or at least he tells me so. 
but if a woman's intuition is anything like mine, 
she knows i exist. 
it is only a matter of time before everything comes to a head. 
before our cover is blown, 
our alibis are discovered. 
and then.... 
but I live for the now, the present. 
what will happen in the future, I can't detect, 
nor do I bother to know. 
and right now, bacon, eggs, and toast with a side of orange juice 
sitting across from and gazing into my lover's eyes sounds like heaven. 
Wow. My lover.... 
once a seemingly suggestive term, 
now a name sweeter than a ripe strawberry in the peak of its season. 

Author.: Ashley

tony green

Posted 2012-02-06 11:54:12 | Views: 4,193


Tony Green



    • 1. People would say that i'm...

      Laid Back
      2. When I wake up in the morning I...

      Stretch and then check email, text, facebook, twitter, etc
      3. I wish...

      The world was based on Equality not money
      4. If I had a million dollars...

       I'd cop a new ride, clothes/sneakers, new apt, put the rest into music and promotion
      5.My biggest fear...

       Being unheard and being misunderstood
      6. What makes you happy...

      Accomplishing goals I set for myself
      7. What super power would you have...

      Telekenesis, ability to move objects with my mind
      8. 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex...

      Depends on if she's walking towards me or away from me
      9. Describe your life in one word...


What do you believe in?

 I believe in opening minds up to different ideas
When did you know you wanted this as a career?

1995 Listening to the album 'Only Built 4 cuban Linx' by Chef Raekwon

How did you 1st competition feel?

I felt confident that I shined, but there's always room for improvement

Who's your ideal celebrity woman?
 I respect a lot of females in the game, they have a lot to move past to get where they want to be. I like Tyra a lot .

What do you look for in a mate?
Someone into music

Where do you expect your passion to take you?

I'm trying to go so far it'd be like I was space traveling. Hip Hop has always guided me, so I'll go whereever it takes me.

Never let the negative outweigh the positive

Favorite Foods:
 Rib Eye Steak , beer if that counts as a food and strawberry nesquik

Fancy Photography

Posted 2012-02-05 18:33:24 | Views: 2,936



1. People would say that I’m …..

Easy to get along with
2. When I wake up in the morning I…

Take a shower, brush my teeth, and go on facebook (laughs)
3. I wish..

That I had patience
4. If I had a million dollars..

I would go shopping & buy camera equipment
5. My biggest fear is..

Why live in fear, I say take life as it comes at you
6. What makes you happy

Doing what I love to do make me happy
7. What super power would you have

8. 1st thing you notice about the opposite sex

How they dress
9. Describe your life in one word


when I first started taking pictures it wasn't a big deal to me, and when I looked back on my first picture it really didn't make me feel any way. as I got better and more creative my work made me so overly excited that I had to show everyone what I did. -Fancy

"I feel as though my work could inspire not only me but a lot of people. Thinking and not limiting yourself can bring a lot of good things to your life. And if being different, creative, and weird makes you stand out then your minor goal has been completed." -Fancy

Mr. Piano Man

Posted 2012-02-01 17:16:16 | Views: 2,891

Samuel Sotubo


Hometown: London, United Kingdom

"I'm open to different opinions and always looking for better methods of advancing and improving my style. Similar to 'Drumline', I play the piano by ear; whatever I hear, I can play. What you see is not what you get because you get a lot more than what you see. There's always more to come."

"Through all adversity, a man of faith is well grounded..."

Sense of Style

Posted 2012-02-01 15:28:37 | Views: 2,387

Sense of Style 


You remember when you were younger and you just got up, your parents
dressed you, or they just put out the clothes that you could wear for the day?
Please don’t act like your parents never dressed you because I can count the
number of girls that came to school with the different colored barrettes in
their hair and wore the dresses that looked like they were going to a wedding.
The guys who always had to wear their shirts inside their pants, and their pants
being pulled halfway up to their stomach so you would see the outline of their 
socks. (Michael Jackson style)

    I feel after those crazy moments

that we decided to create our own sense of style. We get to high school and
people's values to stand out and be different, or look a like, changed. They
started reading fashion blogs, make up blogs, and going to fashion websites just
to get started on what they wanted to wear. If you look at Lil Wayne or Kanye
West, you can see their sense of style has changed dramatically. They want to
stand out and be different but at the same time, they want people to take notice
and follow the trend.
    Once we hit college that is really the chance some
of us get to reinvent ourselves and create this sense of style that we always
wanted. Some people will get rid of their high school style and create their 
college style. You are surrounded by new people, new environment so why not
create something new? At each stage of our life, I feel that the sense of style
we have is constantly changed by something we see, and how mature we become.
Instead of wearing a white tee and sneakers everywhere, we changed to a button
up, tie, and some nice shoes. If your sense of style has really changed, you won’t
conform or thirst on what everyone is doing; you will create your own thing and
wing it from there.
   Remember, your sense of style is something you create
from your creative mind. If someone says they don’t like it, respect their
opinion and tell them to fall in a hole. You are the artist and whatever you
create is what YOU create; the more they judge, the more they want to be like

Thoughts of a Random Guy..

Author:Kevin Pierre

Angel Eyes

Posted 2012-01-30 02:13:54 | Views: 2,639
We have to dare to be ourselves, however frightening or strange that self may prove tO bE


Pabst and Jazz.

Posted 2012-01-30 01:24:14 | Views: 2,328

Aquarius Flow.


Posted 2012-01-28 15:04:04 | Views: 2,501

Hope Less Romantics

I had hope for you.

Imaging you would be that once-upon-a-time-story, that 

it’s obviously-meant-to-be story, that 

she’s-been-under-my-nose-the-entire-time story, that 

exception to every other story that has played out & left me wanting more

You were there after every cliff-hanger, unfinished chapters, & every sequel 

You were the spine that kept this book together & not allowing my pages to fly in different directions

I had hope for you. 

You set this up as the ultimate love story that would end all the cliff-hangers, unfinished chapters, & the sequels

It was your chapter, your conclusion to our happy-ending, it was going to be 


You proved we deserved Us

The dialogue was perfect

The plot, not the most organized but you were there

That’s all the mattered 

I had hope for you.

You’re no different than the rest of them

I wanted the climax of your tale to be different than those I earlier wrote

but you’re no different than the rest of them

Same foundation

Same motivation


You were going to be my myth, my 

fairy tale, my 

once upon a time in a magical faraway land

there lived two maidens who loved & loved again

I had hope for you. 

But your character showed their true colors & now I have to end this novel & start a new

Finding a lead that won’t surprise the reader into thinking they’re the hero 

only to be revealed that they are indeed the villain of this series

I’m ready to start over again

Chapter 1

I have hope for us.


What do you represent?(City, Belief that drives you):

I represent Jersey. I'm a Jersey girl all day, never really claimed just one city. I have a strong belief in the power of a higher spirit that guides our choices & decisions. 

How old are you?

I just turned 20 on December 27th. 

When did you know you wanted this for a career?

I knew I wanted to write for a living when I entered my sophomore year of college. I had to pick a major & I couldn't see myself doing anything but writing for the rest of my life; poems, short stories, articles, etc. I knew I was always going to be a writer. 

How did your 1st show feel?

My first show was a disaster. I was so nervous I forgot half of my poem but that made me practice more & dedicate myself to the art of performing

What makes you different?

I don't really know, but I plan on journeying through Life trying to figure that out. 

Who's your ideal industry man?

My ideal industry WOman would be Rihanna

What do you like/look for in a mate?

In a mate I look for someone who I can trust, who will be honest with me, & is willing to grow with me not only during the pleasures of Life but also against its hardships.

Where do you plan to take your passion or where will it take you?

My passion will take me around the world; I will learn through experience & scribble out the lessons I take from them. 

Motto/Quote: "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." From "Invictus" By William Ernest Hensley

Fav food: Chinese food wins my heart.

Fav music: Old School & Underground HipHop

Bittersweet moment: Birthdays.

My Story

Posted 2012-01-28 14:21:19 | Views: 2,311

Original Piece by Brian Shockley aka Supa[Slamma]

Graphic Designer

Posted 2012-01-28 13:28:03 | Views: 2,361

“Who I was yesterday is little indication of who I am today, and a far cry from whom I will be tomorrow.”
-Mike Raysor Jr.

 An aspiring graphic designer, he taught himself Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop, as well as Corel Painter 11. His range of styles and approaches to the canvas (both virtual and tangible) keep evolving. In its current state, his style has been deemed raw and unpolished. Mike likes to call it "a fresh perspective free of convention, unfettered creativity"


Posted 2012-01-28 13:09:46 | Views: 2,298

Bella Lucchiano


Posted 2012-01-28 12:44:40 | Views: 2,177

Why Can't We Just Be Friends?


We all do it, its all part of life and how we meet new people.
But, why do people think just because we are talking to them and trying to get their information we are trying to "GET WITH THEM?" Why can't we just get your information just because we find you intriguing and a good person to talk to. 

We don't necessarily have to be trying to get with you when we ask for your phone number; we are just trying to connect with people who have a similar thought process as us or people who peak our interest.

Guys Point of View: (My Opinion)
Okay, as a guy sometimes we do just try and get your numbers to see if we can get your numbers and see what comes out of it but other times, we just like having a female friend to just talk to about random things and/or for advice so why can't we just be friends? Sometimes, females already assume just because we are guys we can't be looking for female friends and thats clearly wrong.

Girl Point of View: (My Opinion)
Straight to the point, females think all guys think a like and only want one thing from them no matter how they come off. If a dude walks up to a chick on some friendship type stuff, females will look at you like "are you gay?" or "I'm not looking for another male friend." Females are on there toes for anyway a dude tries to get at them because they don't want to get played, be somebody's side chick or just don't want to be taken on a ride and left out on the side.

Why can't I just walk up to you, introduce myself, get your information and just be friends? Why does it have to be more than that everytime I approach you? As I sit here and look at my friends, I realize I lost a couple decent ones just because they "assumed" I was trying to get with them but they need to ask themselves "Why Can't We Just Be Friends?"

Thoughts of a Random Guy...

Author: Kevin Pierre