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Nicole Gastonguay's Happy Work

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,680

Nicole Gastonguay is a fiber artist living and working in New York City. To pay the bills and feed her tummy, she’s agraphic designer at a big publishing house. She also made this web site all by herself. So many hats for such a small person.


I hear she’s huge on flickr. And in Japan. Lots of people write and ask her for patterns. She doesn’t really have patterns. She makes things up as she goes along. She also thinks it’s neato that when she makes several of the same character, this lack of pattern having, makes every item turn out just a little bit different. She likes that. And so do you. She also thinks talking in the third person is hysterical.

The colorful and happy 



world of 

Tim Barber's Fashion Photography

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,364

Tim Barber grew up in Amherst Massachusetts, lived for a few years in the mountains of Northern Vermont, studied photography in Vancouver B.C. and now lives in New York City. A photographer, curator and designer, Barber runs the online gallery, where visitors are encouraged to submit their photographs and artwork.


























































Check out more of Tim Barber's photos at his site: 

Stylin' ...Profilin'

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,990











cuz it's the only word I can come up with. Goodmorning and goodnight. 

Surprising Kissing Facts

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 34,324

1. According to anthropologists, 90 percent of people kiss. But that doesn’t mean that kissing is the same for everyone. Kissing customs vary across the world. For instance, certain African tribes literally kiss the ground of their leaders, while in many parts of Europe, it is not unusual for men to kiss each other. Kissing people on both cheeks as a form of greeting is another popular custom in many parts of the world, and both Eskimos and Egyptians "kiss" by rubbing noses, hence an "Eskimo kiss."Read: The Evolution Of Kissing


2. PDA was strictly forbidden in old-school Italy. In 16th century Naples, the punishment for kissing was the death penalty. We bet there were a lot of unhappy women. And a lot of hangings.


3. Be careful where you kiss. Though the punishment's not quite as harsh as our Italian predecessors, kissing is still illegal in some parts of the United States.

Forget sexKissing can be one of the most intimate, sensual, and just plain fun things you can do with another person. And as anyone who is sex-educated knows: the better the foreplay, the better the sex. Read on to discover ten unusual kissing facts, and be grateful that locking lips no longer leads you to the guillotine.






















Image: Emmeline Layglon


Norman Bates is the Sweetest Thing..

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 20,069

Sorry I don't...

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 20,891

"I'm sorry if you don't like me. I'm sorry if you think I suck but most of all I'm sorry, I don't give a fuck."





Posted by chie Views: 11,008


Drinking Coke: Health Benefits

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,017


  • In The First 10 minutes: 10 teaspoons of sugar hit your system. (100% of your recommended daily intake.) You don’t immediately vomit from the overwhelming sweetness because phosphoric acid cuts the flavor allowing you to keep it down.
  • 20 minutes: Your blood sugar spikes, causing an insulin burst. Your liver responds to this by turning any sugar it can get its hands on into fat. (There’s plenty of that at this particular moment.
  • 40 minutes: Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils dilate, your blood pressure rises, as a response your livers dumps more sugar into your bloodstream. The adenosine receptors in your brain are now blocked preventing drowsiness.
  • 45 minutes: Your body ups your dopamine production stimulating the pleasure centers of your brain. This is physically the same way heroin works, by the way.
  • 60 minutes: The phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium and zinc in your lower intestine, providing a further boost in metabolism. This is compounded by high doses of sugar and artificial sweeteners also increasing the urinary excretion of calcium.
  • 60 Minutes: The caffeine’s diuretic properties come into play. (It makes you have to pee.) It is now assured that you’ll evacuate the bonded calcium, magnesium and zinc that was headed to your bones as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.
  • 60 minutes: As the rave inside of you dies down you’ll start to have a sugar crash. You may become irritable and/or sluggish. You’ve also now, literally, pissed away all the water that was in the Coke. But not before infusing it with valuable nutrients your body could have used for things like even having the ability to hydrate your system or build strong bones and teeth.

Some Reasons Why I Love Drinking Coke

When somebody drinks a Coke watch what happens…

Satanic Ritual Sex Stabbing - WTF?

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 21,175

Two women were arrested in Milwaukee this week after a man told police they had bound and stabbed him hundreds of times in a sexual encounter that "got quickly out of hand."


The 18-year-old man told police he had met one of the women on the Internet and had traveled to Milwaukee from Phoenix, Ariz., to see her. She and her roommate then held him in an apartment for two days and cut him more than 300 times, he said, according to a search warrant affidavit signed by Milwaukee County police detective Michael Walisiciwicz.


The two women, Rebecca Chandler and Raven Larrabee, were being held in Milwaukee County Jail on $150,000 bail, Milwaukee's 12 News station reported. Charges are expected to be filed in the next few days, 12 News said.

When police arrived at the apartment, Chandler, 22, approached them and said, "I think you are here looking for me," according to the affidavit, which was published by


Chandler said she and the man were having sexual relations which involved cutting and that the act was consensual but got out of hand.

Chandler told police that her roommate, whom she called "Scarlett," did most of the cutting and that she was possibly "involved in satanic or occult activities," the affidavit said. The roommate was identified as Larrabee, 20.

The man suffered wounds to his back, face, arms, legs and neck and was taken to Froedtert Hospital in Wauwatosa.


In a search of Chandler and Larrabee's apartment, police found knives, duct tape, bloody rope and "books or literature relating to Satanism or the occult," including a copy of a necromantic ritual book titled "Werewolf's Guide to Life," the affidavit said.

Two women arrested in satanic sex ritual stabbing

Via: MSN

(They met online) Some dude is stabbed and cut 300 times; apparently 2 crazy ladies were trying to do some satnaic ritual. Luckily, the guy got away. Crazy WTF!


Occupy Walrus

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,740


The Fish and Wildlife Service has determined that the Pacific Walrus, greatly recovering from decades of slaugther but facing stress in the Warming Arctic Climate, merits protection under the Endangered Species Act.

But the species, like others that face rising pressure but are not in imminent danger, will for now remain in the regulatory equivalent of an overcrowded hospital triage department. The Center for Biological Diversity, which filed the petition that resulted in the agency decision, calls the “ warrented but preclued"species status given to the walrus and many other species a “black hole.” -- Keep reading this article

New York City: First Date Ideas

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,146

New york


First-date ideas

Need some inspiration to make a good impression? Here are 17 favorite first dates, suggested by TONYsingles. By: Linnea Covington


Shiralee's favorite first date: “I’m a big Francophile, so the Bourgeois Pig (111 E 7th St between First Ave and Ave A; 212-475-2246, is perfect. I love the bordello decor and dark lighting combined with wine and fondue.”

Melissa's favorite first date: “I love Julius bar (159 W 10th St at Waverly Pl; 212-243-1928, because it’s laid-back with reasonable drink prices and a food counter to get a bite to eat. It’s a good spot to get to know a date, since there are plenty of places to talk.”

Paola's favorite first date: “When the weather is right, Prospect Park (Prospect Park West to Flatbush Ave between Prospect Park Southwest and Ocean Ave, Prospect Park, Brooklyn;, or any city park with plenty of trees and space. Isn’t that every city dweller’s favorite date spot?”

Ava's favorite first date: “It’s a tie between the Gutter (200 North 14th St between Berry St and Wythe Ave, Williamsburg, Brooklyn; 718-387-3585, and any nonpacked bar with the game Big Buck Hunter.

Lauren F.'s favorite first date: “I like to go to Mulberry Project (149 Mulberry St between Grand and Hester Sts; 646-448-4536,, because it’s the perfect mesh of tasty cocktails and an intimate setting."

James Hopkins: Vanitas

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,538

Approaching a work by James Hopkins could induce the kind of contemporary art-related panic we all fear — that moment when an art work seems so alien or impenetrable that we are left dumbfounded and defeated by some hidden meaning we can’t quite perceive.


Yet, all is revealed if you look closely enough at the series of shelving pieces that Hopkins has been making for about a year, including two works commissioned by Wallpaper* (opposite and previous page). ‘Nothing is quite what it seems in my work because I often use perspective and illusions, so depending on which viewpoint you adopt, you see different things,’ he says. For example, amid the mirrors, chopping boards and wastepaper baskets, a ghostly skull slowly appears across the shelves. Hopkins realises that design, like everything else, soon meets its maker. ‘I see these shelves as tombstones to the current, ephemeral era in design because, while they look quite luxurious and modern now, next year they will already begin to look dated’. --- KEEP READING 



Guitar Cheese Shred Rocks!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 19,668

Heavy Metal Chedder Shredder 

Guitar Shred for the Ultimate Homemade Burrito




It’s always better to buy a brick of cheese and shred it as needed for all of your delicious, melted cheese creations. Why? Because on the off chance that you don’t use it all, eating from a brick of cheese makes you look like less of a fat ass than picking at the tiny pieces from one of those ready made bags.


Now that we got that out of the way, behold the Shredder Cheese Grater. Like the Guitar Spatula before it, this cooking tool allows you to keep on rocking in the kitchen. Even if you lack genius musical skills needed to really tear it up on the electric, this kind of sick ass shredding will leave everyone around you hoping for an encore. $10 

Cintia Dicker in GQ Brasil

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 21,882

While were on the subject of Sports Illustrated swimsuit models, you should know that Miss September Cintia Dicker also has a spread in GQ Brasil this month. Only her GQ spread is way better because you can see her nipples in one of the pics. Check and mate, Sports Illustrated! I'm loving the video. It's hot. Check it out. 

Cintia Dicker

GQ Brasil - Nov. 2011 by Jacques Dequeker 

The Art of Daniel Barkley

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,678

Daniel Barkley has an amazing talent, his paintings are realistic and the proportions of the face and body are spot on. There are a lot of emotion in his final pieces and you can understand what feelings he is trying to portray.


“Barkley’s paintings are at their core reworkings of biblical and myhological stories. His interpretations of these subjects are secular.  Barkley wants to avoid connections to a particular faith that admits only one vision, although spirituality, mysticism and the supernatural are important element in his work.”



Skilled painter that explores faith and mythology from a secular standpoint. 

Darth Girl

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 37,042

      A geeks wet dream come true.

I don't know whats more funny, what she's wearing or the little toys on the table.

Adam Wallacavage: Chandeliers

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 21,205

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Inspired by an obsession with the ocean and a fascination with extravagant interiors of old churches, Adam Wallacavage transformed the dining room of his South Philadelphia Victorian Brownstone into something from the pages of a Jules Verne novel. Teaching himself the ancient art of ornamental plastering, Adam evolved his new found skills into making plaster cast octopus shaped chandeliers as the final touch to his underwater themed room. Not content with leaving the chandeliers to his own home, Adam continued his experimentation by making more and more. He changed the shapes and colors and even collaborated with famed jewelry designer, Tarina Tarantino, who supplied the beautiful pearls for his pink glitter chandelier featured in his first showing at Jonathan LeVine Gallery in June of 2006. The same chandelier will be inclulded in the Juxtapoz retrospective show at the Laguna Art Museum in June of 2008, before arriving at it’s permanent home, in the entrance of Tarina’s new Sparkle Factory, in downtown LA.


Beyond making chandeliers, Adam Wallacavage is also an accomplished photographer, documenting artists, musicians, daredevils and all things weird and wonderful. His first book, Monster Size Monsters,  was released in August of 2006 through Gingko Press and spans fifteen years of his photography.

adam wallacavage

The chandelier man







Sweet Dog Revenge

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,563

Revenge is a bitch 

said the cat.

jelly like phone-NOKIA

Posted by chie Views: 23,366

Is this really a phone?

NOKIA Human Form Phone

Nokia has said that in the future, the company will make a smartphone are elastic and flexible. But after mobile phone companies launched a smartphone prototype video, you will surprised.     via infotech 


The concept and a follow-up Nokia Kinetic Device prototype were launched in Nokia World 2011.    via zhestynet

yes, IT IS!!!

Simon Sensei

Posted by chie Views: 10,218

Dear Sensei,


I've always had a crush on you.


You are more than a surgically opened

ball jointed doll…

And I am not just an innocent doll."