11/11/11 some friday
Darth Vader on a segway, yeah sounds about right.
"Nothing is too high for a man to reach, but he must climb with care and confidence."
- Hans Christian Andersen
Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow. - Friedrich Nietzsche
I Wonder: Grace Jones as a White Woman?
Came across this amazing photo. I had to do some research to make sure it was indeed Ms. Jones. :O)
Alien Pez Dispenser
Check out this amazing Alien Pez Dispenser by Peter "Rat D" Davidson. At first I thought this was the real thing. Turns out it's just a pretty badass concept design, that should be released! Where is the Predator addition?
Via: Toy Cutter
Daphne Groeneveld photographed by Mert and Marcus for Love Magazine #6
Via: Sucide Blonde
In little more than a year modeling phenomenon that is Daphne Groeneveld has sky-rocketed beyond the rising star status and now she shares covers of prestige mags with top model faces such as Maricarla Boscono and her role model Lara Stone. Her first campaign was Miu Miu, she posed for the cover of Vogue Paris with Tom Ford opened for Givenchy and walked now on numerous other fashion runways.
Via: Design Scene
Vogue Italia, February 1992
Photographer: Walter Chin
Model: Elaine Irwin
la femme
The “Its Alive” Project celebrates eight decades of the Frankenstein Monster by presenting 80 re-imagined Life Size Boris Karloff Frankenstein Busts. Each of the 80 artists have been asked to recreate the monster in their own vision, style and hand. You will be amazed and frightened by what can happen when these talented artists unleash their creative monsters on this unique and terrifying project. See creations from some of the top local artists as well as a few Professional Monster Makers from across the country.
The busts will be on display and available for purchase at the City Arts Factory in Downtown Orlando Florida from October 20th through November 15th. Several special edition pieces will also be auctioned off during the exhibits run.
It's Alive!
Via: CrackaJack
I'm afreud to
It’s probably not far fetched to describe our popular consciousness as, at least in part, Freudian. The “Freudian slip” is vernacular. A cigar, we all agree, is not always a cigar. Sigmund Freud’s influence on our worldview is incredible. Little of what the father of psychoanalysis argued is, however, scientifically supportable. Instead, most of Freud’s arguments are actually intuitive. Even though his arguments are more colorful than substantive, we understand what he meant, what he was trying to get at.
There is no proof of any primal scene, but such a concept helps us understand something about how the human mind deals with deep seeded trauma. Boys do not want to kill their dads so they can fuck their moms, but, again, an otherwise repressed tension is revealed. Like all pioneers, Freud was making much up as he was going. In many ways these ideas probably tell us more about Freud’s own mind than anything else. An updated character analysis of Freud is probably long past due. Embarking on such a venture, however, we quickly encounter some unexpected characteristics.
Most of his big picture metaphors – the aforementioned primal scene, the death drive, etc. – betray a very dark view of humanity as repressing bloodthirsty violent urges. For Freud we are all desperately holding ourselves back from exploding with unfettered animal barbaric rage. It is vintage Freud to, for example, posit paranoia as a harbinger of repressed homosexual urges. Even though to say so can only promote paranioa in the patient. There are again and again such extreme and unmistakable cruel paradoxes and catch 22s in his assessment of his subjects. Freud is very much in the vein of the mad projector in which the sufferer is embroiled in an endless furious denial of their own “bad” aspects, imputing them – much exaggerated and distorted – onto his subjects. It is a very destructive personality type one is confronted with, and there is very little to stop such a psychology from physically acting out their vicious fantasies.
Via: Dymaxion Web
The number of people who have died in Ecuador after drinking adulterated liquor has risen to 33.
Twenty people died two weeks ago in Los Rios province, where barrels of bootleg alcohol containing methanol were found.
Officials subsequently banned the sale and consumption of alcohol nationwide for three days to allow police to check for and confiscate other supplies.But the Ecuadorean health authorities now say there have since been another 13 fatal cases across the country.
Officials said 103 people had been treated in Los Rios for symptoms ranging from nausea, abdominal cramps, blurred vision, profuse sweating and loss of consciousness.
Drinking Bootleg Liquor in Ecuador on the Rise. WTF?
Via: BBC
Crying is an emotional release and if you feel the need to cry you should let it out. Here are a few facts about the act of crying. I thought they were interesting, so of course I wanted to share.
5 Things About Crying
Via: Fitsugar
ipod's don't exist in this dude's world.
Why would he need it? He sport's a Dell labtop. Duh
Joe Frazier, the former heavyweight champion whose furious and intensely personal fights with a taunting Muhammad Aliendure as an epic rivalry in boxing history, died Monday night. He was 67.
His business representative, Leslie Wolff, told The Associated Press on Saturday that Frazier had liver cancer and that he had entered hospice care.
Known as Smokin’ Joe, Frazier stalked his opponents around the ring with a crouching, relentless attack — his head low and bobbing, his broad, powerful shoulders hunched — as he bore down on them with an onslaught of withering jabs and crushing body blows, setting them up for his devastating left hook.
Via: New York Times
“I don’t even listen to rap. My apartment is too nice to listen to rap in. I have to be in a way more grimey environment to turn any rap music on”
Chicago Cubs Curse: The Collapse of 1969 (Black Cat)
The 1969 Cubs was a team consisting of Cubs legends like Ernie Banks, Ron Santo, Fergie Jenkins, and Billy Williams. It was considered to be the greatest Cubs team ever assembled.
With a late season lead of 9 1/2 game lead over the Mets, nothing looked like it could stop the Cubs from returning to the World Series.
The curse is said to have reared its ugly head again on September 9th, 1969 when a black cat ran onto the field as the Cubs played a crucial series against the Mets at Shea Stadium. After running circles around Ron Santo in the on-deck circle, the black cat quickly disappeared underneath the stands.
The Chicago Cubs have been tainted with curses over it's long history, for me the Black Cat one is pretty funny and interesting.
Via: Cubbies Baseball
Darth Vader Coffee Cup
Sometimes you just wake up on the darkside of the bed. I like my coffee black and dangerous for you Jedi traitors!
While it’s officially being called a “stein” thanks to its flip-top head, the ceramic Dark Lord mug is perfect for those of us who like a really big cup of coffee.
The oversize mug has a 24 ounce capacity, more than enough joe to keep you buzzing all morning long. Of course, you’re not allowed to add any cream or sugar, as Darth only drinks his java black. The Darth Vader Stein is available from Amazon for around $14 USD.
Via: Technabob
Darth Vader Mug Holds the Dark Side of Your Coffee
Hello Shitty
If you are a dude and you like Hello Kitty, you are a tool.