Mickey Yes,
The story: Is the House of Mouse is actually home to hundreds of feral cats? Unveiling 8 secrets about Disneyland, Adam K. Raymond at Mental Floss says that each night, a colony of cats takes over the park (and has since 1955). Park officials, who love them because they help control the mouse population, have set up permanent feeding stations, but still take measures to contain the cats' numbers, spaying and neutering the felines, and putting any kittens they find up for adoption. "After all," says Raymond. "A park full of cartoon mice is more enticing than a park full of real ones."
The reaction: This is certainly a "creepy revelation," says The Australian. No one wants to imagine the Happiest Place on Earth "overrun" with hundreds of cats — or actual mice for that matter. For cat lovers, however, says Tina Ferraro at YA Fresh, this just provides more incentive to visit the park. "Next time I go to Disneyland, I'm keeping my eyes open for cats." And it's a brilliant way to handle both the cat and mouse problem. It's "a smart, humane solution," says Chip and Company. "As an animal lover, this warms my heart."
Mouse No!
Via: The Week
Irony Alert: Disneyland's no-mouse policy
Ha, who wouldn't like a special stamp on their cheeks or on a love letter? This is amazing. Although don't let your buddies mess with you with one of these while you are passed out drunk! Then you get home and your girlfriend/wife kills you.
But, you won't have that problem anytime soon since apparently these are currently sold out at the moment, what a tease.
The best stamps are the love stamps.
Via: Design.Style
"Every time I get a script it's a matter of trying to know what I could do with it. I see colors, imagery. It has to have a smell. It's like falling in love. You can't give a reason why."
- Paul Newman
You can't go wrong with a nice hot cup of blood in the morning with one of these vintage coffee mugs. Not sure what brand sell these...but nowadays you can make pretty much anything from home...via Staples or Kinkos. Years ago my cousin made some X-File mugs for his obsession with the 1990's Sci-fi thriller television show.
Have a Scream for
Bruce Lee shows
How to Play Ping Pong
"This is a brass and copper hinge-mechanism I made so it'll consistently pierce through the jump-ring with a hollow tube so it can transfer a piece of jewelry. So pretty much, it's an automatic piercer.
I thought about inventing this when I decided my hands were too shaky to be a piercer after practicing on a few friends.
I'm also fairly sure I had watched a bit of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory before designing all the shiny brass..."
This is a piercing glove that Matthew Mauk made. This is on some Freddy Kruger shit. Pretty amazing, check out below Matt explaining how and why he made it.
Via: Matt Mauk
She is famous for her lovely blonde locks, but did you know that Marilyn Monroe, formerly known as Norma Jeane Dougherty, was reluctant to dye her hair from its natural color? She was advised by the Blue Book Modeling agency in 1946 to dye her hair lighter because it would be more appealing on her and would probably lead to more jobs for her in Hollywood. She was a feminist at heart and did not want to stray too far from her natural look...interesting isn't it?
Marilyn Monroe Fact
She did not want to dye her hair blonde in the beginning of her career.
Via: Pop Sugar
In fact, most melons are rich in potassium, a nutrient that may help control blood pressure, regulate heart beat, and possibly prevent strokes. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines state that a potassium-rich diet helps keep salt from raising blood pressure and may also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and possibly age-related bone loss. The guidelines encourage adults to consume 4,700 milligrams per day (while keeping sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams per day, which is one teaspoon of salt).
Melons are also abundant in vitamin C, one arm of the now-famous disease-fighting antioxidant trio. Another arm that's well represented is beta-carotene.
Researchers believe that beta-carotene and vitamin C are capable of preventing heart disease, cancer, and other chronic conditions. No matter which way you cut them, when it comes to nutrition, melons are number one.
Watermelon is a valuable source of lycopene, one of the carotenoidsthat have actually been studied in humans. Research indicates that lycopene is helpful in reducing the risk of prostate, breast, andendometrial cancers, as well as lung and colon cancer.
Whether you choose watermelons for their health benefits or simply for their good flavor, they can be an excellent snack, summer dish -- orgardening project.
Watermelon is not only delicious, but extremely healthy, as well.
Watermelon has lycopene, which can
help reduce the risk of several cancers
Health Benefits of
Via: How Stuff Works
Matt Wisniewski uses images discovered via Tumblr and other social media outlets to create these surreal digital collages, blending fashion and beauty with the natural world. It's interesting how now with the internet, artist's and designers are appropriating images found through digital media more then ever. In the coming years I wonder if this will create bigger issues with what artist's can use and not use. It's just the beginning of what's to come...whatever it is it is very pleasing to the eye indeed.
Via: The Basement Stories
the EDGIEST house you've ever seen
Kyoto-based Japanese architecture firm
Footprint recently received news of this bridge in North-Brabant, The Netherlands. Built on a Dutch defensive line dating from the seventeenth century, the bridge crosses the moat of the Fort de Roovere. Designed by Dutch architects Ro&Ad, it is intended not to obscure the views of the area.
The bridge is constructed from Accoya wood sheet piling to either side, with a hardwood deck and stairs between. Accoya was chosen for its durability and also its performance under ground and in water.
The Moses Bridge
Via: Inhabitat
Sunken Pedestrian Bridge in the Netherlands Parts Moat Waters Like Moses!
these are the coolest headphones ever!
I would hope they sound as good as they look. They remind me of Chanel handbags. Not sure exactly what's going on with the design of Twine, but I don't care. The Pleat look really comfortable. Definitely want my head inside.
These headphones are so beautiful.
cool blog discovery of the week
She makes facial prosthetics at a hospital for a living
A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
- Josh Billings
These cufflinks feature two little owls with red and blue feather details. Made from sustainable plantation hoop pine ply. 16x23mm
These skulls celebrate the 'Day of the Dead' in Mexico, and are adorned with marigolds, hearts and petals. The colourful printing brings the coordinating pair to 'life'. Made from sustainable plantation hoop pine ply. 17x21mm
Really Cool Wooden Cufflinks from Polli.com
Maja Rose and Tess Lloyd met in 1999 while studying Industrial Design at the University of Technology, Sydney. After graduating into professional roles, the designers sought the fulfilment of creating their own products. Soon they were selling their fun, light weight polypropylene baskets at local markets, and Polli was born.
About Polli.com
Via: Polli
Series in Process.
I've been working on this series of portraits for over a year. There are 9 total. I want to finish these once and for all before the winter. I am working on a completely different series that is different in style and subject matter. It's interesting jumping from from style to style. I have never done that before. It's an experience I'm learning a lot from. - Kiki Valdes
Will Obama Come Out About the UFO's?
It's not every day that Team Obama talks about E.T. But in a recent post on the official White House website, a high-ranking official in the president's Office of Science & Technology Policy took the time to respond to a burning question from UFO conspiracy theorists. Here's what happened:
How did the White House wind up talking about UFOs?
The White House has a petition site called "We the People" that allows users to pose questions. If a petition gets enough signatures, it is reviewed by the White House staff and receives an official response. And two petitions, signed by a total of more than 17,000 people, demanded that the government come clean if it was hiding knowledge of extraterrestrial life. The petitioners wrote: "The people have a right to know. The people can handle the truth."
What did the White House say?
"Thank you for signing the petition and asking the Obama administration to acknowledge an extraterrestrial presence here on Earth," the White House's Phil Larson cordially replied. "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race." And, perhaps to the dismay of conspiracy theorists, Larson stated flatly: "In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."
The White House vs. UFO Believer's
Via: The Week
Today is almost as creepy as this cat.