Your rights come from God.
It's the Government’s job to protect your rights and nothing else.
The people grant rights to the Government.
The right to govern, is granted by the people.
The right to tax, is granted by the people.
When the Government thinks it has rights to offer us, destruction follows.
Everything the Government has, is taken from the people.
If the Government starts offering 'rights' it will destroy
everything it touches.
Social Security is at verge of going bankrupt
The Government thinks everyone has the right to retire.
They pass laws and tax you Social Security. They back
the funds but spend all the money.
The housing collapse
The Government thinks everyone has the right to own
a home. They pass laws so everyone qualifies for a home
loan. They back the loans but people cant afford the
loans and don’t pay.
The looming student loan
bubble is ready to pop
The Government thinks everyone has the right to an
education. They pass laws so everyone can qualify for
student loans. They back the loans but people cant afford
the loans and don’t pay.
Health insurance – to be decided
The Government thinks it's everyone’s right to have health
insurance so they tax you and force insurance companies
to cover everyone…
Is the health insurance industry being setup for collapse?
If you want freedom, look to God,
not Government. Look to the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
The Government doesn't grant you your rights.
What happened to the Star Wars that I used to know...
For the love of flicks. For the love of American blogs. Have fun. Enjoy just like I did. Go!
"A good photographer must love life more than he does photography."
One of these men has sponsored terrorism in Mexico.
The other one is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
From Diego Bergia: "Now that I've got two graffiti legends down with the project, I figured I'd create my version of the Street Fighter 2 car destruction bonus round. I'm working on a longer piece right now, but couldn't resist getting this out in the meantime."
This is amazing. 2 world class graffti artist battle it out Street Fighter style...sort of! Even better!
Chebo portrait, shot by Alysha Nett
A 22-year-old Texas man was arrested yesterday for allegedly attacking a neighbor and eating his family's dog alive.
Michael Terron Daniel was allegedly high on a designer drug known as K2 at the time and was said to be "going crazy."
Witnesses say Daniel informed residents at the Waco home where the incident took place that he was "on a bad trip from ingesting K-2" — a type of synthetic cannabisknown to exacerbate existing psychoses — before getting down on his hands and knees and "chas[ing] a neighbor while barking and growling like a dog."
He then proceeded to beat and strangle the family dog before biting into it, "ripping pieces of flesh away." The dog was later pronounced dead at the scene.
According to Waco police Sgt. W. Patrick Swanton, officers arrived to find Daniel on the porch covered in blood. He asked the officers to fight him or use the stun gun "to help him get off his bad trip."
Daniel was charged with felony cruelty to a non-livestock animal and booked into McLennan County Jail where he remains.
Say No To
Idiot high on K2 kills family dog by trying to eat it alive. WTF is wrong with people?
Via: Gawker
#10. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
#9. Rashomon
#8. The Harder They Come
#7. And God Created Woman
#6. Rushmore
#5. Sanjuro
#4. Yojimbo
#3. Nights of Cabiria
#2. Walkabout
#1. Seven Samurai
In addition to being one of the founding members of the Beastie Boys -- the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame-inducted hip-hop trio that has sold over 40 million albums -- Yauch also co-founded the maverick independent film company, Oscilloscope Laboratories.MCA had a love for films and here are his top 10.
Via: Huffington Post
Do you know the difference between a beautiful woman and a charming
- Adlai Stevenson
one? A beauty is a woman you notice, a charmer is one who notices you.
Several dozen people rallied in downtown Minneapolis Friday, accusing police in the state's largest city of "brutality", after a man produced photos of what he said were injuries caused by officers during an arrest.
"No justice, no peace!" they chanted as they walked along Nicollet Mall.
Zach King, who was acquitted in 2008 of manslaughter after his pit-bull mauled to death his seven year-old son, produced a video and photos of two separate incidents that he alleged showed abuse of power by Minneapolis police.
He was not charged in the videotaped incident; in the most recent arrest from Monday, he is charged with misdemeanor obstructing the legal process.
"There will be no plea and we'll take the case to trial, if need be," said Mike Padden, King's attorney.
King was taken to the hospital after the arrest early Monday morning with visible injuries.
"I thought I was going to die," King said in an interview at his parents' south Minneapolis home Friday morning.
Minneapolis police would not comment on King's complaint, citing the open CRA investigation.
In 2010, Minneapolis police chief Tim Dolan banned the use of kicks and strikes by officers except in instances where a suspect is actively resisting.
And in April of this year, Dolan and Mayor RT Rybak met with Occupy Minnesota protesters who were concerned about alleged police brutality after an officer was shown on video shoving the camera of a KSTP photographer.
At the time, Chief Dolan said in a statement, "The Minneapolis Police Department will not support unjustified uses of force."
Neil Melton, the executive director of the Minnesota Peace Officer Standards and Training Board, or POST, which licenses police officers statewide, viewed King's videotape at 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS' request.
Melton said officers must follow the "reasonableness" standard: did an arrest appear reasonable at the time, Melton explained, even though upon further review, the arrest may have been shown to be not correct.
"In 20/20 hindsight, things perhaps should have been done differently," Melton said in an interview. "But at the moment, was it reasonable? I saw nothing (in the video) that said it wasn't."
NO JUSTICE: Police Beat and Arrest Man with Concealed Weapons Permit
Story from kaaltv
Russell Brand choking up about divorce with Katy Perry. LOL
How does it feel to start a new painting? Filmed in his Greenpoint, Brooklyn studio, artist Eddie Martinezstarts a large new painting while taking a break to walk his French bulldog Franny in his graffiti-clad neighborhood. Surrounded by an abundance of recently completed paintings, Martinez refers to these compositions while working on a new seven-by-ten foot canvas. Martinez uses black spray paint to make a quick sketch before introducing larger fields of saturated color and developing a densely textured surface. Constantly moving and filling the studio’s silence with his own whistling, he impatiently makes marks and scrapes off paint before it’s had a chance to dry. Equating his very physical practice to that of a boxing ring, Martinez approaches his canvas like a fighter, rhythmically coming into contact and then stepping back from his opponent. Under his pet Franny’s affectionate gaze, Martinez is satisfied by the painting’s rapid progress at the end of the day, a testament to his ability to productively harness his anxiety and aggression in the studio.
Via: Art 21