Brooke Taylor, of St Louis, Missouri, spent three months as an in-patient at Castlewood Treatment Centre to treat an eating disorder in 2010. She claims she was brainwashed there. She said: 'I like to use the word "bully" when I refer to individuals that work there. They make you believe that they have all the answers.'A lot of demons were put in my head.'
Ms Taylor is the third woman to sue Castlewood.Lisa Nasseff and Leslie Thompson, both from Minnesota, took separate legal action against the centre and psychologist Mark Schwartz, claiming they had false memories planted during sessions to treat eating disorders.
Ms Taylor claims Castlewood staff hypnotised her and that she was over-medicated.
A previous lawsuit filed by another inpatient claimed Castlewood psychologist Mark Schwartz brainwashed her into believing she was a member of a satanic cult.
According to her lawsuit, staff caused her 'to become increasingly isolated from her family by leading her to believe that a family member had been and would continue to sexually abuse her and force her to engage in horrific acts of abuse'. A spokesman for Castlewood told STLToday.com that the lawsuit claims are 'spurious'.
A statement said: 'This lawsuit simply piggybacks on publicity generated by earlier false and outrageous allegations. We will defend this case vigorously, confident that the facts will underscore Castlewood's professionalism and excellence in patient care.'
Ms Nasseff's lawsuit, filed last year, claimed her psychologist Mark Schwartz brainwashed her into believing she was a member of a satanic cult.She sued Schwartz and Castlewood for $1million for implanting false memories in her mind under hypnosis.
Ms Nasseff allegedly believed she had multiple personalities and had participated in satanic acts, including the ritualistic eating of babies.
She spent 15 months at the centre, starting in 2007 where she received treatment for anorexia, according to the complaint.
Psychologists brainwashed a woman into believing she had been sexually abused and had multiple personalities, according to a lawsuit.
Brooke Taylor, of St Louis, Missouri, spent three months as an in-patient at Castlewood Treatment Centre to treat an eating disorder in 2010.
She claims staff there falsely led her to believe she was apart of a Satanic cult and had been the victim of sexual abuse as a child.
Source: Daily Mail
...this is just another reason why you shouldn't take mirror photos.
ST. CROIX, US Virgin Islands, - For the third year in a row, with the help of the Captain Morgan brand, a team of leading U.S. archaeologists returned to the mouth of the Chagres River in Panama in search of real-life buccaneer Captain Henry Morgan's lost fleet.
"Morgan was one of the most infamous privateers of all time, so for me, this is a chance to use archaeological research to bridge the gap between science and pop culture. Most people associate Captain Morgan with spiced rum, but he was also an iconic historical figure who accomplished incredible feats throughout the Caribbean," said Frederick "Fritz" H. Hanselmann, underwater archaeologist and Research Faculty with the River Systems Institute and the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University who has been leading the team in an effort to locate, excavate and preserve the remains of Morgan's lost ships.
"Locating his lost ships and being able to properly preserve and share them with the public is our ultimate goal with this project. We're really close – and at the end of the day, his ships are down there and we're going to find them."
The search began in September 2010, when the team discovered six iron cannons belonging to Morgan off the coast of Panama, and continued last summer with the discovery of a 17th century wooden shipwreck, potentially one of the five ships Morgan lost – which included his flagship "Satisfaction" – in 1671 on the shallow Lajas Reef.
This summer, the team returned to Panama to excavate historic artifacts from the shipwreck in hopes of confirming its origin. Throughout the field season, the team recovered a sword, chests, wooden barrels and multiple cargo seals. The artifacts, which are currently housed at Patronato Panama Viejo (Old Panama Trust) in Panama City, will undergo the preservation process before being studied further and verified by London-based experts in English artillery.
"For us, there's no better way to communicate the values and unwavering spirit of our brand than by unearthing the real-life history of its inspiration," said Tom Herbst, Brand Director, Captain Morgan USA. "This adventure that we've embarked on truly embodies the character of Morgan himself and the free-spirited nature of rum. In our case, we don't have to make up a brand story – ours is real and it's waiting to be discovered at the bottom of the ocean floor." ---- keep reading this story
In the search of
It's true, it's true. Captain Morgan was a real seaman that ran shit in the Caribbean. Now, a group of archaeologists wanna play Goonies and find his lost ships.
via: Sacbee
"Most of my major disappointments have turned out to be blessings in disguise. So whenever anything bad does happen to me, I kind of sit back and feel, well, if I give this enough time, it'll turn out that it was good, so I shant worry about it too much."
- William M. Gaines (Publisher of Mad Magazine)
Tastiest treats are the ones that stare back at you. Love!
First, there was the 17-year-old British girl who ate only chicken nuggets. And now, a 33-year-old British woman says she’s spent a lifetime eating only pizza.
Claire Simmons, 33, of Notting Hill London told The Sun that she has eaten only cheese pizza at every meal for 31 years. Simmons told the newspaper that she exercises and drinks water, but doctors warn her that her pizza addiction could kill her because of a lack of health vitamins and minerals.
Chronic food addiction, medically known as selective eating disorder, is nothing new for the British tabloids or for Americans. BBC airs a reality series about picky eating habits called Freaky Eaters, and TLC network has begun showing an American version of the show.
Addicted to Pizza
Woman for 31 years has been only eating cheese pizza
Via: TimesUnion
Story behind why Tom Hardy was cast as
via: Superherohype
Delivering dinosaurs for exhibit at the Boston Museum of Science. Arthur Pollock, 1984.
Via: Josh Draper
Batman fans are diehards who love to dress up. Spiderman, Captain America and Iron Man fans love dressing up too. Wearing costumes is rare treat that movie goers love to do before seeing the film. A costume is a chance to incorporate an audience member’s unique style while still showing respect to the movie. Yet, after the Colorado shooting on Friday during the opening night of The Dark Knight Riseshas people reassessing the idea of coming to movies in other than street clothes.
At the Century 16 theaters, a man dressed as a character from the Batman series came in and began shooting into a crowded theater in Aurora, Colorado in the early hours of Friday morning. Leaving dozens hurt, the gunman was mistaken at first as part of the performance. Looking like the character, the fans couldn’t tell if the gunman was with the film or there to cause harm. The lack of response could have been initially because the shooter didn’t look like he was anything more than a fan.
New questions are now being raised if fans should be allowed to dress up as their favorite characters after the incident in Colorado. Creating a larger liability than ever before, the theaters are now considering a ban or limitation on costumes at the movie screenings.
AMC theaters on Friday has announced the immediate policy that no face masks, fake weapons or costumes that would make guests uncomfortable at the theaters. This policy will be enforced immediately to try to provide some comfort for those fans who already bought tickets for the movie.
Would a policy like this saved people in the Colorado movie theater shooting? Unfortunately nobody can answer that question so early in the investigation.
The studio pop up experiment otherwise known as 'STUDIO WORLD' was a success. I want to thank AID FOR AIDS for getting me involved and we were able to sell over ten original small scale artworks to benefit the organization. I would also like to thank my agent Michael Margulies for inviting his family for joining us. It was an honor to have Martin Margulies stopping by and seeing my work in person. Thanks again to everyone that bought artwork and those that stuck around till we closed. Btw, check out todays Miami Herald article on Martin Margulies art collection
Thanks - Kiki Valdes (July 2012)
(L to R: Martin Z. Margulies, Kiki Valdes, Joe Margulies and Angela Winkowski)
Later in life, drinking one to two alcoholic drinks daily may curb bone loss — so much so that just a two-week break from alcohol hastened bone decline in women in a new study.
Researchers looked at the effects of moderate alcohol consumption on "bone turnover," or the replacing of old bone cells with new ones, in healthy post-menopausal women. After menopause, women's production of new bone cells slows, but the rate of shedding old cells does not slow as much. In other words, the "out with the old" outpaces the "in with the new," leading to a porous skeleton that easily fractures.
But past studies have shown that women who drink moderately (one or two alcoholic beverages per day) have higher bone density than non-drinkers or heavy drinkers. Now, the new study suggests why: Alcohol appears to reduce bone loss in middle-age women by suppressing the rate at which their bones shed old cells.
Booze May Be good for
In line with previously observed trends, the women in the study who drank more alcohol (up to two drinks per day) had denser hip bones than those who drank less (as little as half a drink per day). [How Much Alcohol Is in My Drink?]
More tellingly, blood tests showed that abstaining from drinking for just two weeks triggered an acceleration of bone turnover in all the women. After a 14-day alcohol holiday, the women's blood contained heightened levels of a molecule that gets released during bone turnover. And less than a day after the women resumed their normal drinking, blood levels of that molecule dropped again. keep reading
Via: Live Science
What happens when four superfriends retire and move to Miami to share a ranch style home? This is a pilot I'd like to propose to Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, if I knew anyone who worked there, and if all the licenses could be obtained. - Kevin Bapp
If I wasn't wearing this mask right now, I would totally kiss you.
Collections are all-handmade in Australia. This range encapsulates lightweight garments in fine silk & hand-knitted linen; referencing the craft of complex lacy knitting techniques, and blending hand-dyed and machine knitted fine silk, by Australian textile designer, Nikki Gabriel.
Via: Nikki Gabriel
A tourist sits next to a large art display outside of a shopping mall in Bangkok, Thailand. Scary shit! So cool!
Source: Buzzfeed