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Devil Worshiper: Pushes Girlfriend Out of Moving Car

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,511

A West Columbia man accused of throwing his girlfriend out of a moving vehicle during an argument over his participation in a satanic cult has been arrested, according to Lexington County police reports.


Donald Keith Smith, 30, is charged with aggravated criminal domestic violence May 28 after witnesses in the 100 block of Bill Williamson Court in Lexington saw a man push Smith’s girlfriend from a SUV. According to reports, Smith’s girlfriend said that the two were arguing about his role in the cult and that he had stolen Xanax anti-anxiety pills from her when she was pushed from vehicle.


Smith’s girlfriend had scrapes on her knees, toes, feet and elbow. She was taken to the hospital when emergency workers learned that she lost consciousness from the fall.

Smith reportedly called sheriff’s deputies following the incident, wanting to turn himself in for arrest. Deputies arrested him at his home about two hours after the incident.

He is being held at Lexington County Detention Center on a $15,000 bond.

Satanist Pushes Girlfriend Out of SUV

Deputies: After satanic cult argument, man pushes girlfriend from truck



Nicki Minaj Face

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 29,834

Batgirl reading Batgirl

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,444

Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) reading Detective Comics #359 cira 1967.

I love this!






You can imitate, you can't innovate

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,585

Mo' Chicks

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,452


In a world of porn its so much harder to show photos with clothes still on, ha. I pride myself for presenting the photos I find this way. Keep it classy, yet hot under the coller. Enjoy your weekend bitches. 

Harvey, the kitten baby sitter

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,353

Harvey used to be a fighting dog. His ears torn from battles he was forced into. He flinches when you talk too loud around him. He gets so excited when you prepare his food, as in disbelief that he’s actually going to eat this many days in a row and when you put the food down he kisses you in gratitude. He’s afraid of thunder, soda cans, the TV and when baby Nick Fury meows when he’s hungry. When we first picked up Harvey from the pound half of his face was missing and he was severely underweight.Now he’s a kitten baby sitter.









Thank God It's Friday.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,197



Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,129

It's Friday.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,225

It's Friday, watch where your going. 

007 Swag

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,809



The Kubrick Stare (via LeBron James)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,109

The Kubrick Stare: 

LeBron James at last night's The Miami HEAT-Celtics Game 6 (PIC via David Cypkin) -- "1. Tilt head down 2. Look up beneath eyebrows 3. Smile or grimace" (via

Mullet Head Mouse

Posted by Wildcats Views: 22,446

Mullet Mouse 

know your place, back off the mouse punk bitch. 

Eerie Vampire Skeletons Found in Bulgaria

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,071

While the real-life horror stories of the zombie apocalypse are becoming a growing concern in the United States, Bulgaria seems to have its own problems.


The Associated Press reported that archaeologists excavated two, not-so-ordinary skeletons in Sozopol, Bulgaria last weekend. Each of the skeletons was held down in its own grave with iron rods rammed through its chest. This pagan practice began in the Middle Ages - the period from which these skeletons originate - and continued in the early 1900s.


The skeletons found last weekend were said to date back to the Middle Ages.


“Vampires” with iron rods nailed through their chests have even been found in countries near to Bulgaria like Serbia as well as many other countries,reported BBC news.


According to the New York Daily News, Bozhidar Dimitrov, chief of the National History Museum in Sofia, Bulgaria stated that unlike the new cases of zombies in the U.S., vampire skeletons are old news in Bulgaria. About 100 skeletons have been found in Bulgaria by gravediggers in a similar condition.


After potential zombies in the U.S.and potential vampires resting in their graves in Bulgaria, everyone better stock up on their silver bullets because werewolves could be next!

 Vampire skeletons found in Bulgaria


Nevermind the 'zombie apocalypse': Vampire skeletons found in Bulgaria

God Bless America - Bikini

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 19,405

I have never met a Vampire - Bela Lugosi

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,829

I have never met a vampire personally, but I don't know what might happen tomorrow.

- Bela Lugosi 

The Godfather Theatrical Performance

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,604
Theatrical Performance

Domestic Box Office


International Box Office  $133,533,589
Worldwide Box Office $268,500,000




We all know The Godfather is an American classic. How did it do when it came out? Let's take a quick look...

U.S. Slashes Funding for Sesame Street Pakistan

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,065

A $20 million initiative to develop a Pakistani version of "Sesame Street" has been cut short due to allegations of corruption, according to a report from the AP.


"Sim Sim Hamara" first aired at the end of 2011 and was intended to go on for at least three seasons. Like other international co-productions of "Sesame Street," the show was adapted for its country's specific culture and needs, pairing familiar characters like Elmo with new ones like cricket-loving schoolgirl Rani, the "epitome of a traditional Pakistani woman" Baji and vain crocodile Haseen-O-Jameel. According to the AP:


The U.S. cut off funding for the project and launched an investigation after receiving what it deemed to be credible allegations of fraud and abuse on a telephone hotline set up by the U.S. Agency for International Development in Pakistan, said U.S. State Department spokesman Mark Toner. "So rather than to continue to throw good money after bad, we thought it was prudent to cut off this program and wait for the results of the investigation," Toner told reporters in Washington.


U.S. Slashes Funding to Pakistan's Version of 'Sesame Street'

F is for No More Fuckin' Funding 

"Sim Sim Hamara" is the work of Lahore's Rafi Peer Theater Workshop, who partnered with the U.S.'s Sesame Workshop. While it seems fast on its way to being politicized -- the initiative was part of the U.S.'s multibillion-dollar aid program in Pakistan -- the show was meant to both increase tolerance and serve as a much-needed educational tool in a country in which one-third of children aren't in school. So far $6.7 million has been spent on the show -- on itsFacebook page, someone pleads "Please keep this show running on Ptv. It is very good for Pakistani children's education."

Source: Indiewire 

And liftoff for the Space Shuttle Enterprise

Posted by Humby Views: 14,440

And liftoff

for the space shuttle enterprise as it begins its quick trip to the deck of the USS Intrepid

Amazing Meme Man!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,312

When a meme becomes 



Steve McCurry explaining "Shoe Store" 1992

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 16,564

1992: Shoe store, Kabul, Afghanistan
These burqa-clad women shopping for modern sneakers from the West were an extraordinary sight, McCurry said. ‘It is the juxtaposition… that evokes strong emotions. There’s a seeming incongruity when you see an image like this. Taking the picture, you’re not thinking about this but you’re reacting much more from a gut feeling. from ‘The Unguarded Moment.' ( Steve McCurry,born 1950)