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Jack and Coke Office

Posted by Wildcats Views: 20,265

In an ideal world...

At work, with Jack and make it work! 

Old school: Bad Brains Flyers

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,768


If there is any band as mighty as Black Flag it is the Bad Brains. The Bad Brains music is the best in the world IMO. I haven't been able to see them live which sucks...but lucky for me and others like me we can still enjoy their records and some of these great old school flyers. Talk about real social media right here. I'm looking foward to their film which should be out soon. At any case here are some of my favoite flyers I found online   Via: Bryan Ostrand 




































































































Futurism: Google Glasses

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,472

We first heard rumors about Google's augmented reality glasses a few months ago, and now in a post on Google Plus, the company revealed "Project Glass" along with some early concepts and prototype designs. These specs look like the freaky science fiction concept they are. Would you wear them, though?


Watch this video of what the world would look like from behind these glasses. It's like Iron Man except instead of important world-saving information you're answering your friend's text messages and learning about delays on the subway. The Google[x] team that's working on the project says they've opened it up to the public to solicit ideas about what people actually want from a set of augmented reality specs.


From what we can see in the video, Google Glasses basically seem like a smartphone notification system that allows you to respond to notifications in with your voice. Without actually trying the glasses on, the experience seems like something not only useful, but enjoyable. People might actually wear them if they can get over how nerdy they look.

Keep reading this article...




Via: Gizmodo

Imagine a labtop on your face. It's reality! 

Ashton Kutcher Isn't No Cowboy.

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,461

The Academy Of Country Music Awards were last night and Ashton Kutcher found someone else’s invitation and went to the show.


So, of course he looked like a complete idiot in a cowboy jacket and hat. Now, true… most people in this outfit would look like a complete idiot, but I just read that he might star in a indie biopic about Steve Jobs, so he looks like even more of a moron.



(apparently Mr. Kutcher insulted the whole country music community. Rawhide!!)

Hundreds of Dead Dolphins Wash Ashore

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,928

On beaches in Peru well over 600 dead dolphins have been found by conservationists from an organization called The head of this group was quoted in MSNBC as saying the deceased dolphin count is 615, but on the the Blue Voice blog, the number was said to be potentially much higher by a marine mammal rescue director in Peru. In fact the Blue Voice blog says the stranding could be the largest dolphin mortality event yet recorded.


“I was stunned to hear we’d counted over 200 dolphins. We hit a length of beach no more than 100 yards long in which we found ten dolphins of varying levels of decomposition. The numbers continued to mount. By the time the rising tide forced us off the beach the count had reached 615, counted over 135 kilometers,” said a Blue Voice employee who visited Peru.


It sounds like there could be many more. It isn’t clear yet exactly what caused the deaths. One speculation is sonic testing conducted by oil companies, because it is believed the very loud noises can cause internal bleeding in dolphins. (Sound travels faster in water, than in air.)

“We have been noting that the animals were suffering from acute decompression syndrome – that is to say, a violent death produced by an acoustic boom that disorients the animal and produces haemorrhages which cause the animal to end up dying on the beach,” said ORCA director Dr Carlos Yaipen. (Source: 3news) Another speculation is that a disease caused an epidemic.

In the United States an increase in deadly dolphin strandings in the Gulf has been tied to habitat damage due to the huge oil catastrophe, a situation which is ongoing because there is still some oil in the Gulf.



Why are hundreds of dead dolphins ending up on the coast of Peru?

Whoa: Over 600 Dolpins 

Via: Care2



5 Legged Dog

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,038

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."

 - Abraham Lincoln

Mr. and Mrs Pac Man get Married

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,774

Pac Man Wedding Cake? Yeah!!

I love that grooms' cakes can be a way to interject a little fun into wedding receptions, especially when they perfectly capture a groom's personality. This Pac Mac groom's cake from The Domestic Scientist is a perfect example. Complete with a keepsake Sculpey topper, it was a huge hit with the groom. Read more about how and why it was made over on The Domestic Scientist blog.

Geraldo Riverahhh

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,982





B Vicious (Horror Girl)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 22,327












I really dig this girl. She's 24 and based out of LA. She just started taking photos not to long ago, but as you can see she's really easy to look at. :-) If you would like to follow what she's doing check out her Twitter. (@b-vicious)  Photo was taken by Volve Photography 

Erasing Boogie from 2010

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 18,540

"Erasing Boogie" 

Kiki Valdes - Oil, acyrlic on canvas. 

I found this photo of this painting I did a few years ago. It was a painting I was working on then I started layering it with older paintings and ideas I never finished, basically in some ways I resolved this painting with previous ideas from other works and studies. 


Posted by chie Views: 9,890

josh  keyes

Sirens (40"x30", acrylic on panel, 2012)

Scorch I  (18"x24", acrylic on panel, 2009)

Stampede  (60"x120", acrylic on canvas, 2011)

Tangled II (30"x40", acrylic on panel, 2011)

Descent (24"x20", acrylic on panel, 2011)

Waking (40"x30", acrylic on panel, 2011)

-Josh Keyes' work is a hybrid of

eco-surrealism and dystopian folktales that express a concern for our time and the Earth's future.-

-American contemporary artist-

via: biography page in

They Live

Posted by chie Views: 10,170

from the movie "They Live" -1988

The Movie "They Live"-1988 

If you wear this pair of sunglasses, you will wake up to the fact that aliens have taken over the earth.

They Live is a 1988 science fiction/horror film directed by John Carpenter. Part science fiction horror and part dark comedy. the film echoed contemporary fears of a declining economy, within a culture of greed and conspicuous consumption common among Americans. In They Live, the ruling class within the moneyed elite are in fact aliens managing human social affairs through the use of a signal on top of the TV broadcast that is concealing their appearance and subliminal messages in mass media.- wiki

(brilliant concept!)

Flicks. (End of March)

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,304



It's that time again for me to clean out my computer and share some mo' flicks with cha'. Enjoy zombies.

Posting shit for your enjoyment circa 2011.

Alligators Breathe like Birds! Cool!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,512

University of Utah scientists discovered that air flows in one direction as it loops through the lungs of alligators, just as it does in birds. The study suggests this breathing method may have helped the dinosaurs’ ancestors dominate Earth after the planet’s worst mass extinction 251 million years ago. Via: Science Daily

Breathe Like Birds,


Study Find



Civil War Artist - A.R. Waud

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,632

Alfred Rudolph Waud emigrated to the United States from England as an illustrator in 1850. Waud was one of a number of sketch artists working during the Civil War, providing depictions of battles and scenes that photographic equipment was still too new to capture.

Waud was with the Army of the Potomac for the duration of the Battle of Gettysburg, and a number of his sketches survive. Most of a sketch artist’s work would not make it to publication. The sketch usually provided the basis for a more elaborate engraving that would appear in print. Waud’s “Death of Reynolds” sketch is depicted here, with Reynold’s falling backwards off his horse, hat coming off his head. Keep reading article

Could You Sketch During A War?

A.R. Waud Did!

All This BS...

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,004

Bart Simpson Fashion World

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 15,986

Bart Threads. 

Everything seems to look a little better when you add The Simpsons somewhere. Found this fabulous picture over at the New York blog - Art from Behind. Kathy Grayson runs the art world/life based blog and she is founder of The Hole gallery. 

Cat Money

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,392

Money over Bitches

Dallas by Edward Robert

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,601

Not sure what I like better, Edward Robert's photography or his subject matter. Here is a picture he took of Dallas. Via: Edward Robert


Black Skull Blouse.

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 25,648




Skull blouse bought at the Fashion District in LA
H&M faux leather shorts (Similar style can be found here)
Shiek shoes c/o from 6 months back. I think they might be sold out already. :-(
Tory Burch bracelet (can be found here)
Aldo neon pink clutch (can be found here)
Karma necklace (can be found here)