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$16,382 for Cherry Pie!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 17,362

Would you pay over $16,000 for


 Cherry Pie Auction Sets Another Record

The 38th Annual Cherry Pie Auction was again a record setting event according to David Withers of the City of Brownwood Parks and Recreation Department.


“Last year we set a new record at $15,590.00, this year we set a new record at $16,382.00,” Withers said.


The Cherry Pie Auction was held Saturday, from 9:00am-12:00 noon at the Adams Street Community Center.  According to Withers, there were over 126 auction items donated by businesses and individuals.  Several hundred people were estimated to have visited the Cherry Pie Auction this year. Good people, but crazy people for some good ol' cherry pie. That must be some good ass cherry pie, or people in this town really want to help out or must be really fuckin' bored. Cheers to them!


Who remembers the Cherry Pie girl from that Warrant music video?

I Love Zines

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,269

by Catalogue Library.
(shown at LOOP Arts Fair 2011)
Edition of 50
Published by Catalogue Library


Came across all these great DIY creative zine covers on someone's flickr account. Pretty sweet. Check out some of my favorites. They are so cool they almost appear as postcards or something like it.

Photography: Pierre Hourquet Design: Julien Hourcade Published and printed by: Sundries, France. Firs edition of 50.

by Roberto Carbajal Massó
May 2011 - With: Pepa Lautrec, Ferran Esteve, Almudena Bretón, Felicidad García & Conchi Dada.

Published by Trineo
Edition of 100

A Ginozine sideproject
Edition of 44, Pictures & drawings by:The Bronnie, Yves de Bondt, Vagabundos, El Neoray

by Milano Chow
Editon of 20

Feb 2010
Edition of 60
Valparaiso, Chile

Robert Howsare

Posted by WPD Views: 15,248

robert howsare: drawing apparatus

The revolution of the records create drawings that serve as a markers of temporality.  The drawings also speak to the idea of the editionable print through their ability to be replicated using domestic materials.

Designer/artist Robert Howsare has discovered a new drawing tool. It would be interesting to see him develop more drawngs by other musical or domestic materials. Make sure to check out the video at the bottom of this post. It's hypnotizing!

The TSA and Tony Hawk

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,256

Ha, I saw this on Tony Hawks twitter feed and had to laugh. He explains pretty much everything wrong with the TSA. Check it out.

TSA agent checked my ID, matched it to my ticket, then looked up. "you look like Tony Hawk!" You mean like it says on my Driver's license?





Two Sides To Everything

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 15,999

Top Ten Summer Spots

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,113


People are trying to figure out what to do this summer. Here are my top 10 places I think everyone should check out this summer. I won't list reasons why I think you should go. It's stupid obvious they are great places. Duh!

1. New York City  2. Key West 3. South Beach 4. Nice 5. Aruba 6. Seattle 7. Medellin 8. Las Vegas 9. Malaga 10. St. Thomas

Can You Smell A Ghost?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,959

What Do Ghosts Smell Like?

Many believers claim that a sure sign a spirit is near is their distinctive aroma. The type of scent a ghost emits can vary depending on the message they want to convey. Let's break it down...



Floral Scents


The most commonly reported odor associated with spirits is the smell of fresh flowers. Rose, lilac, and jasmine, three distinctly different aromas, are attributed to the ghosts of those who have recently passed. Sometimes a floral scent can be connected to a loved one with a particular fondness for a certain flower instead of someone who just crossed over.


Scents of Everyday Life


Some spirits display very unique scents that were closely connected with them in life. These “connection” scents include cigar or pipe smoke, a special perfume or cologne, brewing coffee, and cooking foods. It is thought that these odors are used specifically by the departed to let loved ones know that they are near in times of joy or pain.


Negative Scents


The odors of mildew, rotten eggs or sulfur, and rotting foods are often reported where unhappy or unfriendly spirits are believed to reside. Keep reading...

Is Your Dog Possessed by Satan?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,479

Give me a bone...

or give me your


1. Your dog barks or growls at religious ministers.


2. When the two of you walk by a cemetery, the animal tries to desecrate the dead – by urinating against a headstone.


3. If you hold a crucifix or Bible in front of your pooch, it snarls, lunges or recoils in fear.


4. Your dog often appears to be listening to secret voices or sounds that you can’t hear. “He may be receiving his marching orders from his true master, Satan,”


5. The canine reacts excitedly to images of death, evil and Satan.


6. The dog attempts to bite or attack innocent children.

Does your dog growl at the sight of a clerical collar? Or gleefully “do its business” on hallowed ground? If so, watch out – your beloved pet maybe possessed!That is the chilling warning of Father Brett Rollins, a leading expert in demonic possession. Here are some warning signs by Father Rollins. Careful doggy...

Don't Pitch Me Bro!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,364

I hope you have a

great St. Patty's Day...

But, don't fucking

pitch me bro.

The Only Difference...

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,484

The only difference between a tattooed person and a person who isn't tattooed is that a tattooed person doesn't care if you're tattooed or not.

Wacky Package Stickers!!

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,700

Remember This:

1973 Wacky Packages Stickers   

1973/1st Series






Wow, I don't know if any of you remember this but I sure do. First things first, I wasn't born in the 70's but somehow I remember this from my childhood. Don't know if that my older cousins handed them down to me or what.


The illustrations are really great. These stickers are pretty much making fun of packaging from everyday products you find at the supermarket. They almost have a Mad magazine/Garbage Pail Kids feel to them. They were gross, funny and everything your parents told you to stay away from. Miss this type of humor. Is there anything of this nature today for kids of this generation?








Ouija Causes Hysteria. Let's Play Then!

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,682



“Use of the ouija board is dangerous, particularly for the belief it often occasions that its manifestations are of an occult nature, when in reality they are but manifestations of the hysterical condition of the individual. There have been many cases of persons becoming hysterical to the point of seeming insanity through the use of these boards."

Dr. Jan Don Ball of Oakland, the noted psychologist, neurologist, and psychiatrist, made the following comment on the El Cerrito situation:


Edgar Allan Poe or Rich.

Posted by Wildcats Views: 17,515

What if Edgar Allan Poe were Rich?

Your Face!!!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 14,273

This is classic!! This goes out to the narcissistic funny ones out there. Via: The Taco Bus

Pizza Hut Sticker from the 1970's

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,758

Pizza Hut Pete

I found this really cool sticker image on Flickr. I have no idea who that dude is, but it rocks. Below is what Jason Liebig said about the sticker. I found the image on his account. He seems to be big into the sticker collecting thing.


"From the same great Ebay lot as my other two Pizza Hut stickers. Another early 1970's Pizza Hut sticker. I call this one "The Dangler" since Pete is just dangling the logo there.


Again had to clean this one up a bit, but could only do so much. Up close the screen print becomes pretty rough... but I managed to remove the stains that were on it.

Another day-glo sticker, designed to catch your attention with it's unnaturally bright colors."

"dangler" sticker - early 1970's

       I  didn't even know Pizza Hut existed in the 1970's.


Funny Homeless Sign

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,911

You gotta respect a man for his creativity to get some change.Via: Chris Diaz 

Kiki Valdes Painting In Bogota

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 21,016


painting in Bogota, Colombia for Social Media Week. Here are photos of the process of the painting being created.

Smart Clown

Posted by Wildcats Views: 15,625


Smartest clown I ever seen. Scary looking but smart. :-) 

Does Benedict XVI look like The Emperor?

Posted by Wildcats Views: 19,236






Hassan Kinley Portrait of Valissa Yoe

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 17,955

Prada Eyes 

Photo by Hassan Kinley of Valissa Yoe with shoes from Prada.