Posting shit for your enjoyment circa 2011.
It's been one of those lazy weeks, but now the weekend comes. I'm going to spend it in the LES eating thai food and maybe see the new Edgar Allan Poe film. Fuck it. Enjoy the photos.
I don't always change my browser settings. But when I do, I enable cookies.
Lucky Cat Survives Ice Storm
Ends Up on Craigslist
Amie Donnelly thought her cat had died more than three years ago in a New Hampshire ice storm. But the black-and-white cat was too tough for that.
She was reunited with Daisy the cat on Wednesday.
Donnelly, of Derry, was living in Hampstead when she lost Daisy. The cat was spotted by a woman in the neighboring town of Plaistow about a year ago. Linda Hemenway realized the cat was living on her own and sought the help of an animal rescue group. They discovered that 5-year-old Daisy had a microchip that traced her back to Hampstead. But when they called the number, they got another family.
The Eagle-Tribune reports Hemenway kept searching. An ad posted on Craigslist did the trick and led her to Donnelly.
Via: Click On Detroit
Cat thought to be dead in New Hampshire ice storm turns up on Craigslist. Cat owner reunites with Daisy (The Cat) after being separated for 3 years.
Sex traffickers Targeting Schools
It's the most chilling of hunting grounds. Sex traffickers who coerce kids into prostitution are using the city’s schoolyards and playgrounds as recruiting offices.
It’s such a troubling problem that Brooklyn prosecutors have started training educators on how to spot kids in peril on their turf.
“It happens enough that I can say it happens a bunch,” Assistant District Attorney Lauren Hersh told the Daily News. “Many girls are forced to go to middle school playgrounds and recruit other young girls.”
ersh, who runs a pioneering sex-trafficking unit for the DA’s office, has held several workshops and hopes to expand into as many schools as possible.
Last fall, pimp Abking Wilcox admitted turning girls as young as 15 into being sex slaves and making them recruit others in Bushwick and Brownsville middle schools.
Wilcox, who pleaded guilty in Brooklyn Criminal Court to three counts of sex trafficking, called it his “team.”
Hersh prosecuted another trafficker — a school parent, no less — after a guidance counselor at a Canarsie, Brooklyn, public high school blew the whistle.
At first, the counselor couldn’t believe the secret hell a 16-year-old student described.
But her tale of being forced to sell sex over the Internet by a classmate’s mom quickly rang true. Keep reading...
The scary truth about how the recruitment of sex slaves is haunting Brooklyn schools and beyond.
Image: Rafael DeSoto (1935)
Source: Daily News
It's easy to forget about the web-slinger among the current Avengers Assemble media fury, but Spiderman is set to give The Avengers a run for their money later this year when Andrew Garfield steps into the spandex and takes up the role of Peter Parker.
Ahead of the movie's July release, it has been revealed that a sequel is already being penned by writers Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci.
Speaking about their faith in the writers, the movie's producers Matt Tolmach and Avi Arad say in a statement: "Alex and Bob have a unique ability to write a great character and spectacular action that makes them pitch perfect for Spider-Man.
"They have an innate understanding of what makes Peter Parker not just a superhero but a hero for us all."
The Amazing Spiderman is due for release on 3 July, 2012.
Spiderman Super Sequels
Via: Gigwise
Spiderman to shoot in 2013. Sequel for superhero reboot in the works head of summer Spidey return.
Ok, what?! Teenagers in California were recently busted doing the unthinkable: getting drunk on hand sanitizer. This new trend is dangerous, and has sent many teens to the hospital with alcohol poisoning.
As ABC News reports, hand sanitizer is the latest in a string of household products used to induce intoxication, and it has public health officials worried. A few squirts of hand sanitizer could equal a couple of shots of hard liquor. California has a reported 2,600 cases since 2010, and it’s becoming a national issue.
Helen Arbogast, an injury prevention coordinator at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, told ABC News that, “Since 2009 we can see on YouTube it’s in all regions of the country. We see it in the South, in the Midwest, in the East.” Liquid hand sanitizer contains roughly 65 percent ethanol—the main ingredient in beer, wine and spirits—making it 120-proof. Compared to vodka, which is 80-proof, you can pretty much tell how serious a problem this holds. Keep reading this article
Teens Gettin' Drunk
Off of Hand Sanitizer?
Via: Vibe
Great Ad.
Rarely do you walk down the street and see an ad that can actually inspires, instead of the typical billboard ads trying to brainwash you. This is actually pretty great and makes you think about your life and things you need to get done. Job well done Nike.
"Excuse me as I check for bombs or for dick."
I love her. Never seen this interview with TheBlogsBollocks.com before. Although it's rather lacking in the substance department, its nice to see she's starting to do interviews with blogs. Check it out right here.
These are pictures taken by Mayren for the Editorial "The Tiger" for I love Fake Magazine #2
Via: Michael Mayren
A better view of "Creos Aetas" Timepiece Installation, Borinquen Healthcare Center Headquarters, FL. These joyful yet menacing heads make up this interesting clock right in the center of Miami’s design district. As each hour passes the heads go from light to dark literally and figuratively. Brown lives and works from Miami, FL. He is also an active Freemason.
Fabienne Verdier is a painter of contemporary French, born 3 March 1962 in Paris. ‘She paints on large floor-standing chassis with new tools she has crafted herself and that enable a new approach of line and shape. It seeks to explore the relationship between movement, matter and the fundamental force of gravitation. She regularly exhibits his work in Europe. It came in many collections, including the Centre Pompidou , the Musée Cernuschi in Paris or the foundation H.Looser in Zurich.
Verdier’s studio is an instrument in her art. It was designed as a retreat for her preparatory ascetic practice,physical engagement and "excavation" of form which provide the basis of the act of painting.
The space is on a scale with her monumental works, allowing the artist to hang an enormous paintbrush and view the paintings from a distance via the mezzanine... The studio is beyond a mere refuge, it is a tool without which her works may never have been born. Dolorès Marat’s photographic essay faithfully portrays the full importance of the studio space to Fabienne Verdier’s work.
Via: Artist site
It's official .. Kim Kardashian's earlobes are fully committed to Kanye West.
Kim arrived at LAX this weekend sporting 2 yellow gold and diamond earrings in each one of her ears -- a K and a W -- which obviously stand for Kanye West.
The two have only been dating for a few weeks ... but it seems they're moving pretty fast. They've already been on multiple dates, had ice cream together and Kanye even wrote a rap song dissing Kim's ex.
Attention Addict:
Kim Kardashian Sporting Kanye West Ear Rings. Really? Are we 14 years old all over again?
Via: TMZ
I was cleaning out my files and as always I have some eye candy for you to enjoy. From ladies you might of heard of, to ladies you never seen in your life. Cheers to the girls!