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Travel while you're young

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while you're young

One Day you will wake up and all of a sudden you will be 40. Hopefully with a career, maybe with a family and a home. They say when you get older life just seems to happen to you, you have to deal with loads of responsibilities and take care of other mini people, if you have children that is.

But your youth is a time of empowerment, to some degree it is the opportunity to do what you want. Now, some don't have as much control over their circumstances as others, but if you do, SEIZE THE FREAKING DAY!

When you are in early adulthood, you have some sorts of responsibilities, a vague view on what adult life will actually be like. This is the time you are developing your views on the world, and these views are often shaped by experience. This means you need to get out there and experience!!

"So, young person, travel. Travel wide and far. Travel boldly. Travel with full abandon."
As if you needs reasons to travel, here are 3

1. Life is an adventure, and one you should not take for granted. Travelling shows you to take the oppurtunity for every adventure that comes your way. Some day you will look back on your life, and hiking the Appalachians, biking around Paris, and laying on the Brazilian sand will not be moments you will regret, they will be the moments that you savor, the ones that keep you young when you look back on them. Travelling shows you how full life can be, and that seeing the world is an investment, not a luxury.

2. When you travel, you become compassionate. We all have our defining moments in life, choices that make us who we are. Travelling will catapult you into make decisions based on the bigger picture, because you will be forced to see that the world is much wider than your little tiny scope of things. Travelling will show you that you need to care about world issues, because you will be seeing them first hand, and you will not be able to ignore them.

3. You will become a cultured individual, which is truly a rarity in this day and age. Gaining appreciaton and respect for other cultures is extremely important in being a good person, and in your success in the real world. The world is full of all kinds of different, but amazing people. And it is filled with so many beautiful things and wonderful art. Experience the world for all its worth, and appreciate what it has to offer. Become cultured and know that it is an important thing to be.

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