Catfish is another word for fake Internet person. There are about 83 million fake accounts on Facebook. A lot of people don’t realize how big that number really is; it’s roughly the size of Egypt’s entire population. All that’s really needed to create a fictitious character is a made up bio and a stock photo. Fake online friends are very common, and anyone could have one without even realizing it if they don’t know how to spot one (Mashable).
How to Spot a Catfish Online
While it can be easy to fool social media users, there are a few giveaways that can help a person separate someone who is real and someone who isn’t. Here are some tips to catch a catfish online.
1) Refuse to Talk on Phone/Skype
It’s easy to pretend to be someone you’re not when all communication is online. It’s a little harder when they try to talk on the phone or Skype because the one being cat fished can see and hear their reactions, which makes it easier to pick up on anything fishy. Catfish know this so they tend to avoid any communication that requires being able to hear their voice or see their face (Crime Wire).
2) Always Traveling
A lot of times, catfish claim they are always traveling so they can avoid questions about where they live. If it seems that their travels take them everywhere expect near you, it might be for a strategic reason. They are trying to avoid actually meeting in person and accused of being a fraud (Crime Wire).
3) The Modeling Profession
If anyone says they are a model usually means that they are recognized as a very attractive person. If the person you are talking to says they are a model, but also has another prosperous career, they’re probably too good to be true. Models, and especially one who has another job, will probably be very busy and travel a lot. Also, it makes things easier for a Catfish because they can almost effortlessly access model photos online and post as their own (Dr.Phil).
4) No Pictures
Proceed with caution if a person isn’t able to send pictures of themselves in this day and age. Now, just about everyone has a smartphone or some kind of picture phone (Dr.Phil).
5) No Webcam
If a person cannot get to a webcam after being continuously asked, then this is a potential warning sign that they are trying to avoid being seen as who they really are, just like not being able to send pictures of themselves (Dr.Phil).
6) Grammar
Many catfish claim to be from the United States, but really they are from a foreign land and English is their second language. This can be the cause of many grammatical errors that most native speakers know to avoid by the time they reach high school. If this happens frequently, it might be because they’re actually overseas (Crime Wire).
7) Extremely Serious
If it seems like that “perfect” person has the instant hots for you, don’t be so quick to assume it’s because of your incredible charm. Catfish often declare you’re their One True Love only hours after having met online. Keep your ego in check and make sure this person isn’t just trying to butter you up (Crime Wire).
8) They ask for cash often.
This happens often. While some catfish do it for the attention, there are a lot more who use people online as their personal ATM and that’s how they make their money. If they seem to constantly have a sob story, such as they got into an accident and can’t pay the medical bills, where they can get help just from getting cash sent to them, it’s a huge red flag (Crime Wire).
Most people don’t think of being conned by a catfish as a whimsical experience that brightens up our otherwise ordinary lives, but it is. Most people truly believe they’re in love. Hopefully, the person being cat fished thinks talking to this fictitious person is an annoying waste of time. Sadly, this doesn’t happen with most catfish victims. The truth is a catfish experience can be incredibly painful. Tricking a person into falling in love with someone who doesn’t actually exist is a cruel game. An instant background check on someone is an extremely smart way to spot a catfish online. It’s pretty easy to fool someone on Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the social media world. All the person needs to do is set up a fake email account under their fake person’s name, but nobody can fool the courts. Their data can go deeper than a Facebook profile and give you real answers to your questions. If you’re not sure, but you don’t want to go through all of that work, you can also use complimentary people directory to look them up (crime wire).