Kudos for Chehere Laurent, a French artist who impresses with photographs and handling them very successful with the subject matter. Indeed, it plays with the clichés of houses and buildings to levitate in the air, giving a surreal rendering of the most beautiful effect. They seem so real. It's so cool to see real life images used to make surreal/twisted realities. This is something a painting could never do!
It's a bird...
It's a plane...
No, it's a
Via: Fubiz
View more images here
Portrait of a Generation: Aaron Rose, Adam Tullie, Adam Schleimer, Alex Prager, Alexey Sizov, Alison Blickle, Allison Schulnik, Anders Oinonen
Andrea Sonnenberg, Andre Saravia, Andrew Jeffrey Wright, Andrew Kuo, Angeline Rivas, Ari Marcoplolous, Ashley Macomber, Aurel Schmidt
Assume Vivid Astro Focus, Barry McGee, Bec Stupac, Ben Brock, Ben Jones, Bijoux Altimirano, Bill Powers, Billy Grant, Body By Body Brengar, Brian Belott
Brian Degraw, Brian Kenney, Brain McPeck, Bruce High Quality, Bruce Labruce, Cass Bird, Caroline Snow, Casey Spooner, Chelsea Seltzer, Cheryl Dunn
Chris Johanson, Christian Rosa, Clare Rojas, Clayton Patterson, Cody Critcheloe, Colette Robbins, Cynthia Rowley, Dash Snow, Donald Baechler
Donald Cummings, Dustin Yellin, Eddie Martinez, Enno Tianen, Eric Cahan, Erik Foss, Eric Yahnker, Evan Gruzis, Fab Five Freddy, Francesca Gavin
Glenn O’Brien, Gordon Hull, Grant Worth, Hisham Bharoocha, Holton Rower, IO Tillet Wright, Isaac Lin, Jack Donoghue, Jack Pierson, Jaimie Warren
Jane Moseley, JD Samson, Jeanette Hayes, Jeff Ladouceur, Jeff Vespa, Jeremy Kost, Jesse Edwards, Jesse Geller, Jiannis Varelas, Jim Drain, JIM JOE
Jo Jackson, Joe Bradley, Joe Grillo, Joe Rushe, Joey Frank, John Holland, Jonah Freedman, Jorge Ulrich, Josh Lazcano, Justin Lowe, Kadar Brock
Karley Sciortino, Kathy Grayson, KATSU, Keegan McHargue, Kembra Pfahler, Kenny Scharf, Kevin Baker, Kris Kahler, Kristy Leibowitz, Kunle Martins
Lance De Los Reyes, Lele Savieri, Leo Fitzpatrick, Levi Tate, Libby Black, Lizzi Bougatsos, Lola Schnabel, Malcolm Stuart, Marc Bell, Maria Robledo
Maripol, Mark Cross, Matt Jones, Matt Leines, Matt Stone, Matthew Craven, Matthew Stone, Max Snow, McDermott & McGough, Micah Ganske
Mike Namer, Miz Metro, N Dash, Naomi Fisher, Olivier Zahm, Parker Ito, Peter Sutherland, Rachel Chandler, Raymond Pettibon, Renee Ricard
Robert Lazzarini, Ry Fyan, Ryan McGinley, Sam Moyer, Sandy Kim, Scott Ewalt, Scott Hug, Scott Reeder, Seana Gavin, Sharon Needles, Shoplifter
Slater Bradley, Slava Mogutin, Spencer Sweeney, Stefan Bondell, Steve Powers, Sue Webster, Susy Oliveira, Taylor McKimens, Terence Koh
Theo Rosenblum, ThreeAsFour, Tim Biskup, Tim Hull, Tim Noble, Tjorg Douglas Beer, Todd James, Vanessa Prager, Wes Lang, Yamataka Eye
Yoko Ono
For inf works please email [email protected]
Portrait of a Generation
June 7 – August 10, 2012
OPENING June 7, 6-9PM
The Hole is proud to announce the exhibition “Portrait of a Generation” where over 100 artists who make up the art scene here will make portraits of each other to give image to a community of people. The works will be hung salon style on our gallery walls, and include painted, drawn and photographic portraits.
We are producing a catalogue for the exhibition that will serve as a kind of yearbook for New York City in 2012.
New show opening at The Hole in NYC.
Check it out info...
Via: The Hole NYC
Victim of Beauty, by vassil germanov for 12 magazine 2012
Glenn Strange and Lon Chaney, Jr. find a couple of girls to dance with during the production of “Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein” (1948)
Via: Vintage Gal
Italian artist Igor Scalisi Palminteri from Palermo has always been fascinated by religiosity. For his series of sculptures titled Hagiographies, Palminteri transformed statues of saints, purchased in the street markets of Palermo, into superheroes by repainting the sacred works with bright acrylic paint, masking their faces and converting their traditional robes into capes and superhero garb bearing their recognizable symbols. Make of it what you will…
Source: Collabcubed
The outline of this chair describes a continuous curve from the back legs through the backrest, arm and front legs. A form in which all of the structural elements of a chair seem to melt into one.
Via: Nendo
Margulies Agency just announced that you are joining their art roster. How did you link with Mike Margulies?
He has shown support over the years whether by going to a few shows I've curated or just being cool overall. When I heard he started working as an agent for artists I kept a close eye to what he was doing. I wanted to see what he was about. Slowly but pretty quick we built a friendship. He loves art. It's been around him his entire life. The artists he represents are good friends so everything has been natural.
Why did you choose the Margulies Agency?
I moved to New York over a year ago and I knew I had to have a solid connection in Miami. I knew I had to work with someone young and excited to work. We set up a few meetings and we laid things out. He's a very aggressive and passionate personality. I didn't want to work with standard establishment types or someone that really has no deep lifelong commitment to art. I love working with someone from the ground up. There's a passion there. It was a no brainier.
What do you have planned going forward?
I can share that with you at a later date. Things are coming but just can't speak on it yet. Things are looking very good.
Why did you choose a Miami based agency?
I like to do things in steps. I moved from Miami to build elsewhere and build in Miami at the same time if that makes sense. Mike understands that and he supports it.
How is New York treating you? Is your career progressing as planned?
New York is great. I'm really in the building block stages. Really just making new work and building incredible friendships and bettering my knowledge of art making. I'm observing everything, taking it in and meeting the most amazing people I use to read about in art books.
From: Miami Art Zine
Kiki Valdes "Can You Trust A Smile?" Oil on wood panel 2012
To view more works visit: Michael Margulies Artist Agency
— KAWS Keeps Rising: Brooklyn-based street artist-turned-gallery star Brian Donnelly, aka KAWS, will join Jeff Koons and Takashi Murakami in the exclusive hundred-feet-high club for artists whose work has floated in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In November his figure "Companion" — a grayscale giant with cartoonish gloved hands covering its face — will become the latest (and perhaps the saddest) artist-designed balloon to float in the popular parade. "I kept imagining myself in front of that many people," KAWS said. "He’s shy, a bit out of place, not proudly posing like a Superman character."
in macy's thanksgiving day parade
Veggie Chips:
Love potato chips but know they aren’t good for you? Common sense dictates that vegetable chips – which the labels claim are made from real vegetables – would be a sensible alternative, right? Wrong. The first ingredients on most “veggie” chip labels are potatoes and corn, which, to be honest, aren’t that much different from regular run-of-the-mill chips. But those pretty colors, the ones that show that the chip is from a tomato, a bell pepper, heck, even a carrot!? Sadly they’re nothing more than a vegetable extract, or worse, a chemically-manufactured colorant. Need further proof these aren’t the chips for you? Most veggie chip varieties are cooked in canola oil, a rapeseed derivative that is thought to be toxic to humans and animals (appetizing, huh?)
Vegetable Tempura:
Realistically, any vegetable that’s taken a dip in a deep fat fryer really shouldn’t be considered healthy fare, but for tempura, the odds are stacked even less in the veggies favor. Although touted as one of the lighter types of batter, most “authentic” tempura recipes call for liberal use of cornstarch and heaps of sugar. Our tip? Stick to the stir fry!
Vegetable Sushi:
In recent years, sushi has risen to fame as the healthy meal of the celebrity set, and while we know to stay away from some lower grade sushi (like the supermarket sushi that boasts sugar-laden imitation fish), the reality is even simple vegetable sushi can be unhealthy. The culprit? The rice, which in sushi is mixed with rice vinegar and plenty of sugar. If you must do the sushi samba, ask for brown rice or balance out the meal with plenty of steamed veggies, such as hijiki (cooked seaweed) or oshitashi (boiled spinach with soy sauce).
Tomato Ketchup:
Tomatoes? Check. Vinegar? Check. High fructose corn syrup? Definitely! In fact, ketchup contains so much sugar (typically holding the second or third spot on the ingredients list) it might as well be re-branded tomato syrup (yum!) Instead, opt for salsa, malt vinegar, spices or learn to go without!
Spinach Dip:
Think the chips are the only bad thing going on in a spinach dip? Turns out the dip itself isn’t all that good for you either. Yes, it does contain healthy spinach (and sometimes artichokes too!), but it’s also chock-full of heavy cream, mayo and cream cheese, and quite often topped with bread crumbs or croutons. Why use the ingredient that is usually featured least prominently to name the dip? It would be like calling “carrot cake” carrot cake.
Canned Vegetable Soup:
It’s easy to think that the food manufacturers are doing you a favor by preparing a delicious, hearty – and frequently low-calorie – vegetable soup, but the reality is there are a multitude of evils hidden in that can! High sodium content aside, many of these soups also contain honey, sugar and other sweeteners – whether real or artificial – that can amount to as much as 15g of sugar per half-cup serving!
Check out this list, after you read it...you might not be as healthy as you thought you were. But, some of these are pretty obvious...if they aren't then you find out another thing about yourself - you are an idiot!
Via: Marks Daily Apple
DC Comics is set to reintroduce a major character as gay.
Honchos at Superman's comic book home, DC Comics, said this weekend that one of their most identifiable (but as of yet unnamed) straight characters will soon be coming out of the closet, according to a report....
Didio said DC's position had shifted on the subject since he said in an interview last year that any homosexual characters would be new introductions, and that none of their existing characters' sexual orientations would shift.
DC vice president Bob Wayne likened DC's change in tune to President Obama's shift on gay marriage, explaining that DC's policy “has evolved,” the report says.
Gay Superheroes Are Coming.
Via: Breitbart
What's Wrong with America?
Foodbeast is reporting that fast food chain Carl’s Jr. is testing out a new product called the Ice Cream Brrrger in Orange County, California. The Brrrger is a burger-shaped ice cream novelty consisting of chocolate ice cream and “condiments” sandwiched between two sugar cookies. Wow, talk about troubling ...funny or both. Has anyone walked in the cereal section of you're local supermarket lately? It's pretty much a candy store. Every single cereal box is promoting anything but breakfast . Oh yes, I want Reeses flavored cereal mom! Please let me have it!!
Via: Laughing Squid
Daily Homiescope:
You will eat a lot of cheese so make sure to take a shower. You don't want to confuse what you eat with the way you smell.
This large installation entitled Solar Equation is a simulation of the Sun, 100 million times smaller than the real thing! The sphere, commissioned by the Light in Winter Festival in Australia, is the largest spherical balloon in the world.
Using mathematical equations, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer developed a pattern of animations that are projected onto the sphere, and that never repeat. Through this simulation, the artist provides the public with a glimpse of the Sun’s unpredictable and intense atmosphere. The public can interact with the installation and affect these animations via an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad application, creating various visual experiences. It’s hard to imagine seeing such a large, burning star so gigantic and up-close.
Via: Ruines Humaines
So, word on the street even more artists are leaving Miami in droves. People say its lack of support from the city. Fuck that, people just spend more money on south beach pleasures. Everything is about today, you know like bottle services and clothes. In Miami you could never be the VIP....you can't be a Very Imporant Painter! Everyone is leaving!
Image: Valissa Yoe's FB
"I'm sorry, it's true. Having children really changes your view on these things. We're born, we live for a brief instant, and we die. It's been happening for a long time. Technology is not changing it much - if at all."
- Steve Jobs
I know you just consider it as browsing my blog. But, in my mind I am gruesomely collecting eyeballs on this fine Friday night.