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#LOVEHER (live on purpose)

Posted 2012-07-19 18:42:21 | Views: 2,759

#LOVEHER    the reason I live

by Nina

Today I can confess...

Jaylen Is my PURPOSE!

who needs SWAG

when you're AWESOME!

We have to LOVE our children and teach them to be confident, Unique and Leaders! Jaylen is my inspiration and My heart. So the only thing left to do is TELL THE WORLD.

Anything you want to DO or BE you CAN!



Posted 2012-07-19 10:18:27 | Views: 2,308


SAY        YES        NOT       CAN'T   EVERY   DAY

Season 4 is just getting in SYNC. Now that you have your direction and worked out the bugs, and can breathe again. It is time to start believing that you can do anything that you put your mind to.  I absolutely love this season. I laugh at myself, when I look in the mirror with tears rolling down. There used to be a time when I  would begin to speak the negative thoughts out loud. (NEVER DO THAT BY THE WAY)  I would make an excuse for any and everything just to appease myself. Going as far as convincing myself that it was ok to feel sorry... it's like saying "yea... GO ahead and enjoy that pity party... everyone needs a good cry."  I shake my head and giggle at how often I would feed into the fear. Believe me there is NO need to have a  pitty party when you have God in your heart and mind. You just have to tell all that negativity and Fear.

Listen!! it is NOT going down like that...not today!


 Don't get me wrong, you will still be up against obstacles and have challenges daily. But by saying YES! instead of CAN'T guess what? ALWAYS give your VERY BEST & YOU WILL! 

Please enjoy the clip from a very inspiring movie called "Facing The Giants" If you have not seen this in it's entirety I encourage you to do so right away.


by Nina

Exhale -Season 3

Posted 2012-07-18 08:50:53 | Views: 2,278


8 - season's - Exhale 3

At this point in your 8 seasons, you've decided to step closer to happiness and away from disapointment. The epiphany of your life's goal is clear. Next you have chosen to eliminate the mad insanity cycle that you once call your life. Guess what time it is now?

It is now time to really get focused. Now you have to choose to be dedicated to this journey. Commit yourself to the goal you've set and then EXHALE.


This week I decided to schedule meditation times for clearing my thoughts. Most importantly to talk to God and expressing my love not only HIM but for me. The love you have for your self is the only way to get centered. Everything starts with you.


by Nina

please enjoy the video while reading this blog.

By pressin PLAY.

We only do the things that we truly WANT to do. Think about it. You never have to twist someone's arm or make a deal to get people to do anything that they are already comfortable doing. This is why YOU have to make that choice to start a new lifestlye. A change in life style is just being aware of the changes that you want to make, and knowing that the results will be different because it was not executed in the same mannor that you have always done things in the past.

thanks for reading... your support is apprieciated

Please check out my FACEBOOK fanpage and click the link and take a peak at  the motivational  t-shirts that I have designed  for the 8 SEASONS of Life.

Season 2 - INSANITY

Posted 2012-07-17 11:21:10 | Views: 2,329



100 Ways To Ensure

You Will Never Go Crazy



Time To Smile


& VIBES Begin



Doing The Same Thing

Over & Over Expecting

A Different Result

CREATIVE VIBES : 71/40 - July 2012


When ever I get overwhelmed or just need to relax. I listen to music. During this time when you are running in circles and fighting the fight, I suggest listening to the lyrics in the songs below. 

Adelle sings about transition and making change. Following a path the leads nowhere is just the beginning. Her chorus says "should I give up OR should I just keep chasing pavements... even if it leads nowhere"  Often we choose to fear the unknown and are resistant to change, but that is part of the struggle.

I'm sure that you can take this song in many directions but in focusing on the 2nd season called INSANITY. I think it works in well. We have to decide when enough is enough. If you are unhappy you have to choose to be happy. If you are hurt you have to want to heal.  But the hardest part of moving forward is letting go.

I love so many of India Arie's songs but this on tells you just what to do. GET IT TOGETHER 


Check out this month's issue of INSANITY. Yep! that's me. Smiling and feeling good. But on the inside what you don't see is the fear and the consistent need of approval that I battle everyday. But what do we do. Put on a happy face and smile through the pain.  What I like to say is "Laugh to keep from crying".

Perhaps you are featured in an article or two. Pages and pages of never ending tales of how you have so much potential and just need to be patient. Well the truth is we are all in an issue of INSANITY every now and then.  Then the light bulb goes off and you decide to make a change. Changing your everyday habits and cycle is easier said than done. But you have to take that chance. Regardless is others believe in you or your dreams It's ultimately just that. YOUR DREAM. So guess what? YOU have to stop the insanity and let go.

please share this blog with friends or family that may just need to know that they are NOT alone.

Season 1- EPIPHANY

Posted 2012-07-16 07:27:16 | Views: 2,185


Well here we go... I sure hope you're ready for this whirl wind of fun that is in store, as I treat you to the 8 seasons of life.


 OK..Listen, did you wake up this morning beaming with ambition and desire?  Well you must of had that reoccurring dream again. You know, that same amazing dream, where you literally saw yourself living out your dream? I can relate. I had the same dream for years. Full of happy thoughts of my creative staff busy working in my unconventional loft like open floor plan office space. This space would be  full of people working on design projects for our clients. I'd dream that in one corner you may find a group preparing for photo shoot and discussing layouts. On the other side of the office there would be a team mapping the direction of the commercial promos, and I would be meeting with the top graphic designers and working together to make creative madness. This is my dream. Then I woke up.  So much for my dreams of CREATIVE VIBES!

I wasn't ready to live my dreams, they were still just a dream. Until I decided it was long over due and It is my time.





I am a single mother of a beautiful teenage daughter. I will speak about Jaylen a lot she is my inspiration and motivation for life. Jaylen will be beginning her sophomore year of high school. I started to think that she just may need her Mom around a lot more nights and weekends.(if you know what I mean) Teenagers... alone... with... Well you catch my drift. Not happening.


So back to the Epiphany.  The first season of the 8 is Epiphany. This when you accept who you are and what is is you're supposed to be doing with you life. In my previous post I mentioned that I finally quit the retail madness. Not only for sanity and to live out my dreams, but to take ownership of my blessing that I have been created to do.

 Then it's about  trusting and believing in that goal and giving in to it. But most of all and you have to have FAITH that your dreams  CAN and WILL come true.



Now....Let me warn you if you don't normally pray that's cool. But you will have to get ready to change that ASAP. Because you have to learn to LET GO and LET GOD do his job. There will be a lot of questions that NO ONE else will be able to answer.  I promise you this! Because, you will find your self talking to someone about your dream and they will clearly NOT understand. And they will tell you that your crazy. Or ask "where is this coming from?" They will not get what your explaining to them. THIS is when you have to Be STILL & LISTEN and stop looking for confirmation from the masses.  Remember, GOD is in charge.

So lets just say your dream involves baking cakes or writing children's books. You have to accept the EPIPHANY and insist that the dreams you have at night came become the dreams of your life!  Please watch the Video below. I created this video to express everything I felt during this season. 

By Nina B

Nina's side note....

8 seasons -1

the leap...

Posted 2012-07-15 10:10:23 | Views: 2,130

the leap

Just to catch you up to speed... Here is my Facebook status from 5/15 the day I finally realized I was ready to take that LEAP.

"This month has been one of life changing events ... On the 1st of May I had a little talk with myself and said "...step out of the box and get out of your own way..." we'll I did just that... June 1st is my last day with a company I have worked for for over 6 yrs. After putting In my notice the PRESIDENT himself called ME on my cell phone ... (note NOT my boss or her boss but the CEO) & wanted me to meet with him before leaving. For what you may ask? He wanted MY feedback on a new project they've begun (blank stare) MEEE?! oh you knooooww I went! LOL so with that said TRUST that even when you least expect it YOUR talent & dedication IS appreciated and will be recognized! As June 1 is my last day I am beginning my 1st day of my NEW chapter in life."

refreshed and new

by Nina B


This song by Goapele is just a reminder of how thankful we need to be for every day. Each day leads to obstacles and opportunity's that we may or may not act on. I have made a hand full of both, some great rewarding decisions and my fair share of bad ones. So on my last day when I clocked out for that last time. I listened to this song. As I drove on down the highway, fear set in and I began to second guess my decisions. Which by the way EVERYONE close to me would smile and grin at the choice to take this LEAP. (they too afraid of the unknown) But we will chat about that later. This is when I chose to remove the negative energy and doubt and let God lead the way. The video below by Mary Mary pretty much sums it up. This song helped me put things in perspective.I have to listen to it often just to push out the negative thoughts and energy & get back on track.


 Today is July 15th and I have been on one heck of a emotional and spiritual roller-coaster. Stepping out of my comfort zone and sitting still was not something I planned for. But when you quit your paying job and are stuck working with what you have in the bank you can only do so much until that cash flow comes in again. This is all new to me. But I have great friends and family that have helped me when needed.(so thankful for them) Either way I have to keep in mind why I made this change in life, and that is to live my dream and in doing so I can assist others in achieving theirs as well.


Every since my daughter was born (Jaylen who is 15 now, but teenage parenting is a completely different topic lol) I have enjoyed  Graphic Design and have a degree in Fine Arts. So I have always wanted that to be my professional career. However being trapped in the mad world of retail for so many years, I was pretty much stuck. Until NOW!


Upon leaving my job I have begun stetting the tone for my own company CREATIVE VIBES by Nina B. CREATIVE VIBES is a creative marketing company that offers marketing services & consulting. I strive to provide marketing techniques and planning to help jump start up and coming business owners or artist trying to get a foot in the door.


 Starting from stratch, as they say, is not the easiest thing to do with out funding or sponsorship. One of my Clients who is a stylist and make up artist reminded me that, "you are only as good as the products you have to work with. Just keep working to upgrade and get the things you need to provide the BEST service is all you can do." She was so right.  So the next several blog entries will be about my 

8 seasons in this journey.



Posted 2012-07-13 21:24:58 | Views: 1,991

Hi! I'm Nina


In today's world it's really easy to find yourself asking WHY? WHY ME? There are a lot of "good" people who find themselves blocked behind the eight ball. Yep... near the end of the game and the opponent is ready to crack that Eight ball directly in your path and bump you out of the way and WIN the whole game. Then where are you? Stuck picking up the pieces and starting a completely new game with new players. Well today is the day to play on the winning team and get this thing started in a entirely new direction.

Somebody blow a whistle for me cause once I get started we will be in this together till the end.


Oh, My bad... I failed to introduce myself. Hi! I'm Nina. I am the Creative Marketing Director at CREATIVE VIBES (my company). Sounds fancy huh? Well, the truth is I just cried my eyes out 30 minutes ago because of all the doubt and fear I have about paying my bills this month. I have been sitting trapped in my house for the past several weeks. planing to take over the world. Needless to say, I have been stressed. I even second guessed myself for starting this page. As you can see I told myself... "Self.. Get yourself together and start preparing for all of the blessings God has in store!" So... shook off that madness and I paid my service fee, because the Ownzee Blog site is amazing! A site that allows me to be creative which is sooo what I do. Can't beat that.  What a great way to do what I do best and that is to share tips and techniques to help everyone think outside the box and realize that they are not alone behind that eight ball. Motivation and inspirational knickknacks is what you will enjoy as I tell my story.


 Well have a great story to share and the majority of it will be written on the fly. Because there is just not enough time and I procrastinated in starting this page 30 days ago... But... that is the past and I won't dwell on it. So Hey cyber world I'm Nina and this is my VIBEBOX.