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Are you ready for a SIMPLE LIFE?

Posted 2016-02-03 05:39:55 | Views: 27,436
If you are looking for some great inspiration and new ways to enjoy life visit my blog!
The purpose for this blog is to help inspire and provide motivation, by sending positive energy into the world. Are you dedicated to striving for happiness and success everyday, but often feel discouraged? I have to believe that WE all are. Life is Simple and it is time to LIVE it!

Schooln' 101

Posted 2012-09-21 09:31:42 | Views: 2,441

I Slipped... but I'm back...

I have given you a break from all my 8 SEASONS speeches, but guess what it is that time again. Enough with the back and forth and ups & downs in your life got to get it together. Stop waiting for someone else to make the 1st move and pull the trigger. Now I don't mean shoot a gun, but you do need stop drop and RUN. Run away from the negative thoughts that tend to lead you away from reaching your finish line. Keep in mind not everyone will help you. So run on past them. People who just don't get it... just don't GET IT. This is what you need to tell folks that are stepping in your way and distracting you from moving forward...



"umm... yea... soo listen, I would school you, but you don't have enough credits to take my class...."  BOOM....

(feel free to quote me NINA B~)lol


any hoo.... It may be harsh, may hurt some feelings but it is long over due. Not everyone is meant to be in your "CIRCLE", especially if they are still trapped inside the "BOX" ( I'll wait) let me break it down so it will forever and consistently be Broke (LJ)... When you out grow your favorite pair of pants, what do you do? You go get some more. Some times the is a need for change. not every relationship is comfortable and sometimes you may not "FIT". What do you do? Try to loose weight? or walk around uncomfortable and bust in out of what USED to be your favorite pair of pant? I think you get the picture. So this is for all of the people who were like me and tend to be consistently trying to fit in the space that others provide or don't provide.  Solution is simple STOP it! buy some new pants in a new color new size and new style and keep it moving!  Like India said... strength Courage wisdom... waist no more time today. Be brave. be strong. be faithful most of all Be LOVE... .xoxo

Truth is that there is a whole giant world out there that you are missing out on. So PLEASE stop what ever it is that you are doing that is making you loose your mind. Cause "Crazy ain't cute"  Ok now seriously, Insanity is continuing to do the same miserable things over and over thinking that your are just miraculously going to get a different result. Hellllloooo? It is so unattractive... lol repeat quote above.




press play & read then LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE

SNOOZE control....

Posted 2012-09-17 16:23:30 | Views: 2,531




I don't know about you... But I"m tired of the non-sense. Believe it or not It's up to your to choose to change. You can't keep talking about it, planning to do it or waiting on some thing bad to happen to whip your act into shape. Plan to change today. Now when I say change I don't mean like your wardrobe or hair style. I mean your thought process. It's  time to get happy. Never mind what other say, never mind why they say it, JUST CHANGE.  DO it.. and dare to be different in this crazy world of insanity. so stop it today.  The insanity that is. Time to wake up.

press play



My Vibe...

Posted 2012-09-11 18:23:54 | Views: 2,523

Love this life
You can too

Give in & let go

it's long over due


Passing a mirror
Wow that cant be
Almost don't recognize
The vision of me
Questioning ...pleading
Please Save me

Everyone wants to Try
But... Only I can succeed
Battle no more
Ready ...Set ...Free

Switching gears
forward mode

No more flying

Cruising "in" control
Slowing down

Just to breathe

Less errors
no heart break to mend
Time out for madness

Im ready for fun
Living it up

my time has come

Comforting this may not be
Wondering around stuck
Still stuck in between
Looking forward
Everything is reversed

Give in & Let go

LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE [email protected]

Nina B~


8SEASONS of J. Windsor

Posted 2012-09-09 20:14:04 | Views: 2,607


CV~What is your talent/brand? When did you identify your dream?

JW~My talent is singing &  I identified my dream at the age of 13.


CV~Are you ready to stop your past habits and let go of people that are not supporting and how?

jw~I have had some leave on their own and others I'm weeding out by process of elimination through much prayer.


CV~How will you handle your transition? Can you breathe in your success and blow off the doubters?
 jw~through much prayer and wisdom I will be able to handle the transition . I've dealt with doubters my entire life, however with each doubter came more revealing of what I was called to do in the earth.


CV~Can you Say yes not can't everyday? Even if it hurts?

jw~that one I might need some work on, however I'm saying yes to those things that will be a positive seed towards others.


 cv~Are you ready to dedicate your time? Are you prepared to start working through the setbacks and distractions?

JW~ i'm totally dedicated to fulfilling my career in music, the distractions are part of the process it's how you deal with the distractions that will push you closer to your goal.


CV~What steps do you take to tell yourself that you are successful and that you deserve it?

jW~Each day I declare and decree that I'm successful and that the promises of God on my life will manifest so I can leave an inheritance for my kids and their kids and beyond.


cv~When will you get it started and get prepared to live life to the fullest?

jw~I have already begun working towards my goal, I have been working as a professional artist for 6 years now and counting.


               cv~How will YOUR dream effect you And change your life forever? 

jw~my dream will effect not only me personally but also my family. This dream will place my family in a better financial situation which will us to do more for others...which is the primary goal of sharing my gift of music to the masses.                       

Everyone goes through their own Season at their own pace. The 8SEASONS are my way of sharing the achievement in everyday people. It's not about WHEN you start it's about STARTING!






thank you for reading and getting to know J. Windsor. You can keep up to date with him in his growing story on his official fanpage on facebook. I hope that his story inspires you to look deep in your heart and let your soul shine and live your dreams.


Nina B~


LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE    tell your story [email protected]

O'to be a Blessing....

Posted 2012-09-09 09:43:35 | Views: 2,317

How often do we take time to look past the surface and see the true blessings of our struggle.  Everyday God shows me YET another reason why I am who I am. This transition has brought people in my life that I would never have met had in NOT been for HIM. Believe it or not, I have 2 clients that I've NEVER laid eyes on,who I have been blessed to provide creative vibes for. Please believe you may never see GOD but he is real TRUST me. GOD directs me to give of my services to those that he is bringing into my life "on purpose". He is using ME to show them He is able. And in return I will be blessed from their success. One of my clients (J. WINDSOR) just told me yesterday that he booked 2 new engagements based on the promotion that I have been doing for him. BLESSINGS for his family. Its such an amazing feeling to know that you can give and support by the talents that God have blessed you with. My other client (Kenya B) and I did the happy dance via text & email to celebrate her hearing her poetry flow over the airwaves for the 1st time.






This walk with God has shown me more than I could fathom and I can't wait to see what He has in store for me. Life is filled with opportunity to grow. We have to choose to receive the struggles and gain wisdom and strength from every tear. I could be disappointed and complain at the fact that I only have 2 clients, but I know that they are MY clients. They have come into my life for a purpose. Even though I've never seen them I know they need and appreciate my work at this very moment. God works in ways we can't explain, but I know that they have been sent as a blessing to me. For that I am thankful.


So don't take for granted the things that may seem small or minimal. The bigger blessing is deep with in and will never be just as you think.  Just open your arms and smile and KNOW that it is the blessings of the Lord.

blinded by the light


LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE    [email protected]

J. Windsor- solo Gospel artist

Kenya B - the poet

I'm just trying to explain... (its the GOD in me)

Posted 2012-08-31 05:13:01 | Views: 2,558




 thanks you for reading and supporting CRE8TIVE VIBES      LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE @ibviben




We have to LISTEN and OBEY. Embrace your blessings today and learn that God will allow you to overcome and he will see you through any obstacle... Any season... Any goal you want to achieve... Any burden you carry.  

   In his hands lies the present you've been waiting for. Your future!! 

A thought for happiness today...

Swoosh... like NIKE

Posted 2012-08-30 07:37:31 | Views: 2,534



Regardless of age, race, or religion you are the only YOU.  Got to find a way to let your light shine. Make your mark and give people something to remember. Ever wonder how people would describe you to a stranger? What would they say? Hopefully they will list more than physical characteristics, and be able to describe the characteristics that live in your heart. These are the things make you unique, and are qualities that no one can take from you. As some may criticize and put their two cents in, remember it's only because they are NOT you and don't understand. And that is ok. If they truly care they will stick around to "understand" you. If NOT... keep it moving!

So today I DARE you to be YOU and make the world feel your heartbeat. Never know... someone may be ready to dance to a new beat.  How will you CRE8T-VIBES?

Today's challenge is simple! JUST DO IT!.. BE YOU!! May sound strange but I dare you to stop "frontin'" as they say, and  live the life your heart leads you to. Life is so simple, but we complicate it with emotions, worry and fear. I get that we have to learn from our mistakes. Thses lessons are kinda like a yoga or (for some) kick boxing class for our hearts.  But exercise of the heart is needed. Learning is how we grow. Everyday is a new opportunity to expand the muscles in your heart. If you live your life being true to yourself, everyone around you will be blessed.

thank you for reading  LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/INSPIRE


What'd you call me?

Posted 2012-08-24 20:08:19 | Views: 2,625

Do you know WHO you are?




ms. understood






HAPPY to be ME.

to live in my skin

see what I've seen

never to stop living

just keep showing me

a lot yet to learn

and even more to unlearn

but either way I see

who I'm meant to be



<<<<------press play


POSTing UP.....

Posted 2012-08-22 18:16:05 | Views: 2,602




ROLL DICE {{ move forward 10 space and BOOM}}

I'm on a roll. My business is ready to become WORLD known. Thoughts of showing everyone that didn't believe in my capablity that I will OBAMA the game! (cause' YES I CAN!!) Ok... so I stand my ground in my new space. Those around taking their turn and WOW. My excitement haluted as I watch others take their turn and swoop in and pass me by. "WAIT! WHAT's this! No Hello. No THANK YOU. Nothing.."  Ok I get it... So instantly I am confused and start to loose focus. GAMES!



Learning to accept your own faults and flaws is like having a fist fight with yourself. Sometimes just admitting your opportunities can help you understand WHY you have yet to over come them. The last 2 and a half months I was determined to dive in head first and play this "GAME". Everyone around me is constantly winning and I decided it was finally my turn. I went on a mad search for my game piece, you know the perfect game changer. I had to make sure that I had the one that will shine brighter than the rest and be sure to be noticed. Chest out, head high, ((BOOM)) I layed my marker and put on a game face. Determined to PROVE to the "players" that I am NOT the one to sleep on. Letting them know that this "Cute" face is not all that I bring to game board (table, well you get it) My head starts to fill with ideas and immediately I start fumbling through my plays and I landed on my 1st move.

ROLL DICE {{move forward and LOSE 3 clients}}
WHAT? I thought advancement was to GAIN clients and increase productivity.  Man, this GAME is backwards, what happened to scratch my back I'll scratch yours. (I didn't realized to face forward and never turn your back). Arms folded, face frowned heart cracked... Guess I will wait for my turn to come around. side-note: Sometimes less is MORE.

ROLL DICE {{Advance forward passing regret and fear}}


Can I get a "WHAT WHAT"? Learning to forgive is awesome. Next obstacle is Letting GO and putting an end to constant need for conformation is such a great feeling. Who cares what everyone else thinks! (unless they think I'M AWEOSME lol) Any hoo- Still a struggle because my track record of behavior has begun to change and NOW no more Naive Nelly Or Sugar Sweet Me. Brand NEW attitude! let's ROLL!!

ROLL DICE {{go straight to JAIL}}


DAMN!! So playing the "GAME" is not for me. I really suck at it. My over sized heart and ability to give and Forgive are too big. People are just nasty! lol Lucky for me I know that NOT everyone falls into that category. So with a lot of luck and tons of Faith I will PRESS forward in my zone. OUTSIDE the norm. OUTSIDE the box. You better believe , I came to WIN, to fly, to conquer to thrive. I came to win to survive to prosper to rise to FLY. Get ready for it!



A great friend of mine once told me.


So no game playing for this chick. Running on true integrity REAL love and complete desire to inspire, encourage and help bring your dreams to life!


press play----->>>>>>

 and turn it up!

Because I CAME TO WIN!!


Posted 2012-08-21 13:16:22 | Views: 2,332

Please Don't   

make me go all

Hong Kong Phooey

on yo'azz...









Keep on moving....

Posted 2012-08-20 05:05:08 | Views: 2,354

Believe ME.. I wanted to stay in my bed and feel sorry for the things that are NOT going the way I planned! Angry because, I can't pay my bills on time. Struggling to find techniques that seem to work for EVVVVERYONE else but me. Watching as my light at the end of the tunnel is no where to be found and my efforts are failing fast.


Even though these thoughts are true I will not allow them to control the energy and productivity of my day/week/month/life! SO, today and EVERYDAY, I choose to get up... Get dressed (THIS INCLUDES: combing my hair, putting on clothes)... and making a list of the things I CAN DO this week to make my situation better. You can't get anywhere if you don't at least try.

Time to get out of your own way and make it happen for your self. Remember the basics, Speak positive about your day. look in the mirror and love who you see. Make sure to smile at someone you don't know ... open a door for a co-worker instead of rushing by ... bring neighbor their paper ... then feel good about your kindness.


Success is not based on money. It's about loving who you are and feeling confident EVERYDAY despite regrets or complications spinning in your head. So forget about how bad you want to stop what your doing and jump back in the bed. Because you have to live your life in every moment. UP's and DOWN's will come and go but take control and choose to get up, get organized



DUde! where are my pj's!!




Posted 2012-08-17 14:13:51 | Views: 2,248

stop trying to do it all by yourself....To get somewhere you have to start somewhere... lets start by asking for help... cause

"it-takes-2 to make a thang go right"

what will it take for you to Let Go and MOVE on?
8 SEASONS of life...







C8V- the 8 Seasons of Mz. Hill....

Posted 2012-08-16 07:52:44 | Views: 2,859

PEACE                  LOVE                      MUSIC

Samuel Smiles said it best, "We  learn wisdom from failure much more than from  success.We often discover what will do by finding out what we will not do. And probably he who never made a mistake, never made a discovery.​"


I knew that  I was meant to do something extravagan​t on this Earth.  I am only 23 years old and  I am still discoverin​g the many paths to my success destinatio​n.  God has placed multiple gifts and talents, some I utilize more than others. I must admit my charismati​c personalit​y and my gift for gab is something that comes naturally.

Cre8tive VIBES presents.... the 8 Seasons of Mz. Hill

Taylar Hill


Although I am musically inclined,  and God blessed me with a voice to sing, he's also blessed me to have my own radio show on a local station in Connecticu​t. I am connected to music either way because I believe "Where words fail, music speaks."  My goal is beyond measures of becoming successful​. I want to exemplify my positive  characteri​stics  and help others to achieve goals as well.  I learned that it takes strategies and a master plan to make it happen. Your plan may not turn out the way you've envisioned it, but I always instill in myself that nothing is impossible as long as you have faith in God.   There are many obstacles on your road to achievement.



Trust me, I know. I've experienced depression, financial woes, "new friends " popping out of thin air, doubters or " what I like to call my " non-believers", friends becoming foes because of my recognition, and being able to hang out with my friends. Through determination, motivation, prayer, gaining self confidence, obedience, and a major reality check, God has ordered my steps ,removing negativity. I've learned not to please anyone but myself. I can truly say that I have people who believe in my dreams.


Through your journey to discovering your success, you will learn that no one can vision or live your dream but YOU. I've learned that in order to be destined for greatness, speaking it into existence, and walk in to your destiny. Failure should never be in your vocabulary because it's not apart of the success equation. When your'e born to do something, things will emerge naturally.  I know that every low place in my life is preparing me for a higher place. I can't only imagine what doors are going to open for me from  being on the radio.

 MH~ "If I can be a stepping stone to help open another door for an individual, or giving an individual a voice to tell their story, I can be satisfied with myself because I've helped someone."

CV~ Taylar thank you for sharing your 8 Seasons. You defiantly should be proud of your self. There are so many young people that are still running around with out a clue of what their future holds. I hope that your story will encourage other men and women to get focused, trust and build their faith and start living in the

8 Seasons. Stay blessed sweetheart and continue to share your positive energy across the airwaves.

If you are in Connecticut you can catch The MZ. HILL EXTRAVAGANZA with DJ. PHILLY PHIL live every friday on 106.5FM One Love Radio from 4-6PM!


If you are ready to be heard then you need to get your time in with Mz. Hill and join the Extravaganza! Contact her Manager and street team directly via email [email protected]. More information on MZ. HILL log on to facebook and like her official Fanpage

thanks for reading LIKE/SHARE/INSPIRE/LOVE

email me if your would like to share your business/service/product with the world. [email protected]

C8V- the 8 Seasons of MSFEATURE...

Posted 2012-08-15 07:42:49 | Views: 2,702

Introducing....the 8 SEASONS of

twitter: @msfeature


youtube: Brilliant MusiQ, Msfeature


What is your talent/brand?

When did you identify your dream?

MF~Ha-ha, which one?  I am an entertainer.  I’m a rapper & model that grew up dancing
after dabbling in acting.  I started pursuing
musiq in 2010. My heart was quickly falling out of love with the fashion industry.
In conjunction with major life changes happening all at once, musiq was there
to pick up the pieces.


Are you ready to stop your past habits and let go of people that are not supporting andhow?

MF~For the past two years I have made a conscious effort to make changes in my life and of course this was the first step. It was easier to let go or change business relationships than personal relationships, of course. But making these changes has definitely allowed me to lead a less stressful life. Changing yourself is the hardest struggle.  I first had to admit to my bad habits and accept the fact that they had to be stopped/ changed.


How will you handle your transition? Can you breathe in your success and blow off the doubters?

MF~The transition has been very positive as far as supporters. After cutting out the bad apples in my life there were nothing but supporters left standing beside me. They are what keep me going. I tend to enter new ventures extremely cautiously. Their support is what keeps me pushing forward. I have yet to breathe in success. Every time I accomplish something I move on to the next project.

 I’ll stop and smell the roses when I retire!


Can you Say yes not can't everyday? Even if it hurts?

MF~This one used to be a struggle for me. But one day I said “I CAN! I WILL!” and I never looked back. ….Especially when something is hard to do.


Are you ready to dedicate your time? Are you prepared to start working through the setbacks and distractions?

MF~Oddly enough, I find the setbacks and distractions give me more drive. I like to think that I struggle because

 I’m on the right path. Nothing worth having is easy to attain, right? I don’t dedicate the type of time I would like to my craft. I have to do what I have to do to handle
life’s responsibilities. However, I do use every available moment that I can to make sure I’m never at a standstill and I’m always progressing.


What steps do you take to tell yourself that you are successful and that you deserve it?

MF~I try toremind myself that being an honest, hardworking person will pay off. "The greater the struggle, the greater the reward". 
I pray I’m right!!


When will you get it started and get prepared to live life to the fullest?

MF~I’ve already started and I love how it feels to know I am moving in the right direction and doing it the right way. I’m preparing for my blessings.


How will YOUR dream effect you and change your life forever?

MF~I want to be successful so that I can help others. During my lifes obstacles I’ve often wondered why there was nothing out there to help people with needs like my own. Or, how can we improve on existing organizations. When I am able to
give abundantly I will have become a success!


"I don’t like to feel as though I’m complaining or trying to use a sob story for attention. I like to put out only the positives."

Introducing... the 8 SEASONS of....

PRESS PLAY for a sample of MsFeautre live

at the Vixin Lounge in Atlanta, GA (explicit lyrics)

youtube: Brilliant MusiQ, Msfeature


Thank you MSFEATURE for sharing your success! Keep us posted on all of the performance dates and new accomplishments that are definatly in your future. Please follow MSFEATURE @msfeature on Twitter and check her out on


 for more details!