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So you think you can VIBE??

Posted 2012-08-14 10:49:48 | Views: 2,257

this week I will be

 featuring a "Evreryday person" just like you, who is working towars living their dreams...

Perhaps the world can soon read about you! submit your Email today for more information . 

Everyday people making it happen...

This is your Season



email your success story  to me for a chance to be featured

 in NINA'S VIBEBOX [email protected]


YOUR time to VIBE...

Posted 2012-08-13 08:34:59 | Views: 2,622


We may not always trust that the big bright ideas we have floating around in brilliant minds will be that Million dollar ticket. But you will never know what you are capable of if you don't believe that it can happen to you.

Above are the 8 Seasons by Cre8tive Vibes

If a change in your life is what you are looking for then you have to have a plan. Just like loosing weight or studing for your degree, there are steps to move towards your goal.

So ask yourself the following questions:


Epiphany- What is your talent? Can you identify your dream and claim it?

Insanity- Are you ready to stop your past habits/hangouts/hookups?

Exhale- How will you handle your transition? Can you breathe in 
your success and blow off the doubters?

Synced- Can you Say yes not can't everyday? Even if it hurts?

Recognize- Are you ready to dedicate your time? Are you prepared
to start working through the setbacks and distractions?
Believe- What steps do you take to tell yourself that you are
successful and that you deserve it?
Life- When will you get it started and get prepared to live life to the fullest?

Infinity- How will YOUR dream effect you? And change your life forever?

 Cre8tive Vibes offers creative marketing for very small business/artists. No matter what it is you want to be in life you can achieve it. Restaurant owner, children's book author, cupcake maker or personal shopper. Either way it all starts with a dream! I can help you see it come to life.

Visit my Cre8tive Vibes page on Facebook and let me know how I can help bring your dreams to life. I can't wait to share your story with the world.



Posted 2012-08-10 10:39:54 | Views: 2,184

Laughter feeds your soul....

Sometime you have to laugh to keep from crying. I tell you what.. this transition, for me from the crazy world of corporate America into attempting to start my own business can really make a girl KOO-KOO. Now, clearly I know that I made this choice to dive head first into all of this so I am not about to complain. In life it takes getting pushed to the point of watching your bank account dwindle down daily and being forced to face your fears of asking for help to build up your confidence. Then there is the sudden death of a your ideas and plans that yo once would have bet your left pinkie toe on. This will throw you into a whirlwind of laughter so get ready. PRESS PLAY! LET'S GO!



Truth is (Not to go super spiritual on you but...) GOD is in control and when you stop running in circles and stand still long enough to stop, LOOK UP and ASK him for help. Your worries will soon wash away. Just 1 month ago I was there. Blaming everything under the sun on why I could not get it together. "Oh.. it's PMS or OH.. I've got anxiety"  Listen, as soon as I shut everything down and told God I was done  with the madness, my brain was flooded with creative ways to build my business. But the reason I laugh is, just 2 months prior to this breakthrough I was haphazardly working on projects. Unbeknowced to me... I was already working God's plan. It's amazing how the pieces of the puzzle really do just fit together once that light bulb clicks on. Then more laughter.

I am sharing this with you because,

"You have to start somewhere,

if you want to get somewhere".

Nina B~


I am building my business based on passion and desire to assist and encourage others to step out on FAITH and begin to live their dreams. The 6 clients that I featured a few days ago all have this mentality and our paths have crossed through just that. Here is the kicker. 4 of the 6 I have never met face to face and I can only say it is a higher power that is beyond me handing out a business card or posting marketing for Creative Vibes on facebook.

So today I will LOL all day.

Laughter makes me smile and smiling keeps the negativity from intruding on your plans for excellence.

thanks for reading my Blog... LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/LOVE

@IBVIBEN on Twitter and find me on Facebook

Truth is (Not to go super spiritual on you but...) GOD is in control and when you stop running in circles and stand still long enough to stop, LOOK UP and ASK him for help. Your worries will soon wash away. Just 1 month ago I was there. Blaming everything under the sun on why I could not get it together. "Oh.. it's PMS or OH.. I've got anxiety"  Listen, as soon as I shut everything down and told God I was done  with the madness, my brain was flooded with creative ways to build my business. But the reason I laugh is, just 2 months prior to this breakthrough I was haphazardly working on projects. Unbeknowced to me... I was already working God's plan. It's amazing how the pieces of the puzzle really do just fit together once that light bulb clicks on. Then more laughter.

CHANGE... is more than a few coins

Posted 2012-08-09 10:10:38 | Views: 2,369

Sherrie Jefflo, a friend and buiness owner posted this today and I had to share.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP is living a few years of your life like most people wont, so that you can spend the rest of your life living like most people can't

Choose to change your life....Everyday is a new opportunity to LIVE happy. Focus on the the things that you can control and surround yourself with like minded people who's ultimate goal is success. Remember, you can not do it on your own, so don't even try. Build your team and watch your company growUP.


 The unique component of my business is simple.


You have to START somewhere to GET somewhere.


Please contact my office as soon as you take the initiative to break out of your everyday mold. The point when you can no longer contain the passion and desire for success and you are ready....


You can bet Creative Vibes is there!





PRESS PLAY_ sneak preak at the website ((coming soon))

PRESS PLAY- short preview of some PAST clients and design work that was created in the studios here at CREATIVE VIBES.

follow me on TWITTER @ibviben

check out my Facebook fan page

website for product/service coming soon

the reason I VIBE...

Posted 2012-08-07 20:34:37 | Views: 2,447

Just in case

you were wondering


Here goes...


Once I committed to living my dream and chose to really get focused,( and get over a bunch of the insanity) things have started to take off for my company. I have some really great clients that are all breaking out their comfort zone and making their individual dreams come true. The clients that I have featured below are amazing. Each of them are everyday people who have chosen to let go and LIVE the life they were born to live.


First up I have Casual G. A straight up real dude, who's handsome face will soon be seen all over as he dives head first back into modeling (look for him ladies super cute)


Next is Mz. Hill who has her own weekly Radio Show at the age of 23 and is hosting events and always giving back to her community.


Yet another success, is my personal stylist, who does hair and make-up. Aubri Moon truly cares about educating you on maintaining beYOUtiful healthy hair.


Hold on and get ready for up and coming Gospel singer, J. Windsor. He is branching out and releasing his Solo Album this year, you are sure to be blessed.


Next up is a great talent from Connecticut. Elisha Richards. (Pronounced Ee-Lie-Shuh) You can catch Elisha performing up and down the East Coast. (please listen below to his soulful R&B sound)


Last there is Dawn, a great friend of mine who is The Coffee Diva. Dawn is reaching for financial freedom through amazing Organo Gold products that will change your life. .


It is truly a blessing to support such great people.  I am proud to help as they all work towards transforming from yesterday

and living their tomorrow today.



Please check out the design artwork and videos created by CREATIVE VIBES.

It takes dedication... and commitment to LIVE through your 8 SEASONS.



find her on facebook

(Aubri Moon)

photography by Calvin EF

(also on FB)

Michael Pickett find him on Facebook--->>

Photography byTracy Felton Kearney (also on FB)


below :MZ HILL find her on Facebook (Taylar Hill)

press play to find out more details on her show.

Look for Elisha Richards & J. Windsor also on Facebook

(press play for a Elisha's new single OVER & OVER)

contact Dawn Jones Ward on Facebook if you drink and love Coffee one chat with Dawn and she will change your life.

they are YOUR shoes.... WEAR'em

Posted 2012-08-07 09:06:21 | Views: 2,150

stop hiding....

Everyone has a story to tell. Have you been living in silence? well today is the day that you have to choose to break free and stop hiding. perhaps you truly love kids and want to open a daycare... or every night you sing the lyrics to your own music and keep watching American Idol and The Voice praying that one day that could be you... maybe you just like to build furniture/jewelry or bake cakes... what ever it is that makes that fire burn inside your soul, today is the day to Ignite that spark. But you have to choose to do so.













tIME TO WALK .... i'ts your season...

epiphany- identify your dream and claim it

Insanity- stop your past habits/hangouts/hookups

Exhale- breathe in success and blow off the doubters

synced- simple... Say yes not can't everyday

recognize- it will not happen over night and you will struggle

believe- you are successful and that you deserve it

life- live life to the fullest and remember why you did it

infinity- new cycle new adventure new life forever



Thanks for reading. Please be inspired to live for your dreams.

Don't wait tomorrow is not guaranteed.


IMMA BE .... #whatugondu

Posted 2012-08-06 10:32:19 | Views: 2,375


I know you're thinking... here she goes again with this

"8 Seasons" mess. BUT HEY... if you don't get it today, I will keep posting in this BLOG about it until you do. Seriously, now is the time to take control of your life and make some decisions that will bring you that much closer to living the LIFE you dream of and not just talking about it.

Most importantly you have to have the desire and passion to change. So if your are still mulling over

"what am I going to do, how hard it's going to be

and that kind of stuff never happens

to people like me,"

then you need to click on the next blog. Go you can read about someone else's success and come back when you are ready. Keeping it real today.

Now if you are ready to make a

change in your life LETS GET TO IT!

cause IMMA BE... on the NEXT LEVEL!! IMMA BE living that GOOD GOOD LIFE!! press play..


8 seasons

epiphany- identify your dream and claim it

Insanity- stop your past habits/hangouts/hookups

Exhale- breathe in success and blow off the doubters

synced- simple... Say yes not can't everyday

recognize- it will not happen over night and you will struggle

believe- you are successful and that you deserve it

life- live life to the fullest and remember why you did it

infinity- new cycle new adventure new life forever


find me on facebook

(nina b viben) and follow me on twitter (@ibviben) thanks for reading and

choosing to change :) LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/LOVE 

Because YOU have to....LOVE

Posted 2012-08-05 10:20:08 | Views: 2,068

Be blessed and not stressed so cliche but completely true. If you are carrying all you burdens on your back you will feel it. If you let it go and ask God to hold that weight you will feel better not that it will go away but He will provide a bit s relief so you can focus on a resolution.  You just have to let go and put you emotions on the table. Face the fear and run into the situation head first (using your brain).

Woke up refreshed and smiling. God is definitely in my heart. Did you spend a little time this morning to give thanks and tell God your plans for executing & spreading his love today?

Love is a simple task, you just have to give it. Hold your hand out, open your eyes, extend your listening & you will feel it. It's all around you everyday.


Knowing and trusting that God will provide is easier said than done. Bills are due, heartbreak has you down, death and loss may surround you, nothing is going right, but you have to trust God. You have to Know that he lives in your heart even during the down time. Trust me I know that is not always an easy pill to swallow if you can't trust the unknown.  But you have to! Or  you will wake up and an hour of time will turn in to days and then days will turn into a lifetime  and then you've given into all the pain. Accept that all the answers will not be clear and you will have to work through the process. Then all the pieces will click and the picture will be clear. So CRY today then give it to GOD and let go. LIfe is too short to live unhappy.

Start living to day.  This is my message of LOVE.




Love is needed today share it give it and receive it

God is good...


turn this one UP!!! ---------->>>>>

Lisa Page Brooks "GOD IS GOOD"

thank you for reading! LIKE/SHARE/SMILE/LOVE

STEP your GAME up...

Posted 2012-08-04 16:26:04 | Views: 2,117

Be a role-model


My favorite person is my daughter. She is not afraid of being unique and standing out as an individual. She shows her personality through her style of fashion and creativity and, always keeps me smiling with her amazing sense of humor. She has friends of all backgrounds and is open to change. (We've moved a lot) Like most young people they aren't ready for the crazy life that will soon smack them in the face after college. So It is our responsibility as parents to talk to them daily and help them understand people and learn to communicate. Now talking to teenagers is definitely like getting dropped off in a forgien country. But truth is WE (as parents ) have all been in their shoes. So in the meantime we have to encourage our children so they can survive some of the mistakes WE made and then perhaps allow you help them through a few new ones. So until then WE must start stepping up our parental game and become

the ROLE- MODELS they need to be successful in life.




the newest craze is fashionable nail creatations with cool color nail polish and My daughter is superb at it. In the photo to the right she is showing off the desgin that she created for the summer holidays. PRETTY AWESOME RIGHT?! So instead of encourageing her to work in the mall (my personal mistake) or scoop ice cream, I have created marketing  for her and her buddies to set up shop,  do nails and talk fashion as a business.

 (and to make some money at it)


Well Will Smith has come along way from days of being the Fresh Prince, but his creativity shot him to the top. As parents we may not understand but we can defiantly relate. Love and encourage your children by setting the example.

{{Love  a good throwback!}}

Full Effect MODE...

Posted 2012-08-04 11:28:09 | Views: 2,196



I love days when I can get super focused... hut 1!! hut 2!! HIKE!! ZONE OUT D-fence

in full E-fect Mode. 


You have to get mentally prepared for CREATIVITY and thinking OUTSIDE the box. So what will you do today to get and stay Zoned OUT??!!

OR.... will you sing along with Bruno??

 Now don't get me wrong... I love lazy days but when you are trying to make your dreams come true you have to spend your time wisely. So plan your down time and enjoy it as a reward for making daily progress towards your future goals. BUT in the meantime, you have to stay focused and not get distracted. NOW back to work!!

<<<-----  love this song turn it up... then get over it there's too much work to do!!

epiphany - insanity - exhale - synced - recognize - believe - life - ininity  CREATIVE VIBES



SAY "NO" then DANCE...

Posted 2012-08-03 10:14:06 | Views: 2,086


yeah buddy! your heard me... I said NO!!

Ok... so I am certain that everyone knows where this is going but here goes. There are always those folks who constantly have their hand out but never have your back in return. I tend to always envision this... Me being generous and then immediately seeing the image of them slappin the "DUMMY" sticker on my back as they walk away. It never fails. So when ever you get that feeling of "ohhhh, this is not going to be good.." That's when you have to (say to yourself) "DUMMY?! are we going to go down this road yet again?"


Now keep in mind that there are a ton of things that you need to say no to. (tons) But more times than not we end up giving others the ability to steal a few of the following ... kindness, time, efforts, generosity and energy. So today you have to decide face the "DUMMY" sticker and be ok with crossing your arms and saying NO.


Now, the feeling of saying NO to people you genuinely care for is not easy, nor does it make you feel good inside. But once people get used to you NOT always saying YES or assuming that you'll do as they ask, that "not so good" feeling will pass. You know why? Because they will STOP asking you!  Keep in mind that some will attempt to make you feel bad for saying NO and may stop contacting you at all, but those that truly care for you will understand.

So in the meantime.... do a little dance every time you say NO. Soon It will make you smile! PARTY ROCK!


thanks for reading and SMiling... it means alot!

actin' BRAND new...

Posted 2012-08-02 09:59:14 | Views: 2,137

new day

Everyday is a NEW opportunity for you to get it right. Life that is... we all want to be able to say we "GOT OUR SH*T TOGETHER". That's what you tell people as soon as they seem to be off their game. And you will never "get it together" if you feed into the negativity. If you wake up and tell yourself, "I'm exhausted... I don't want to get up, it's going to be a long day... I hate my life...blah blah blah" You've already set the tone for the day.


Wake up and speak the positive " Today I will make a difference.. TODAY will be a success! It;s a brand NEW DAY" Recognize the challenges that your encountered yesterday, then set you mind to make this NEW DAY better than the last. You have to believe in your worth and make the most of the time you have & let your light SHINE. Nothing is guaranteed and you will make mistakes all the time, but learn from them. Acknowledge  your weakness and try to change your habits and continue to grow. Every day you must feel confident that you will be a blessing to all that you interact with and CHOOSE to LIVE, LOVE & SHINE!


thanks for reading :) your support is greatly appreciated.. Please LIKE and SHARE with someone who needs a smile.


Nina B~

Oh So STANK...

Posted 2012-08-01 10:00:27 | Views: 3,003

Stank face...


Ok so tell me this.. Are you approachable? You may be the most friendly person but if your body language and facial expression is looking like you just ran into Flava Flav

then.... YOU may need to check the mirror. I'm serious. Learn yourself and look in the mirror. You most likely don't even realize that your are doing it. (Or perhaps you do and just don't care, but that is a separate topic) I call this the "STANK FACE" may sound funny but, guess what? That face is what you say about yourself to others.


Do any of the FACES above look like someone you know?


(besides me lol I don't do the stank face daily... just for these pictures pretty funny)


Life brings up's and down's to everyone. And it's  easy to carry all that burden with you. But if you allow it to control you will end up with a permanent STANK FACE. That's why I choose to carry my positive energy every where I go. In line at the grocery store. pumping gas (except for creepers they get the stank face) and in the work place and most of all at HOME. People will assume that you're  attitude is STANK if you look STANK.  SO stop carrying it around...

 LET IT GO & pack light.


thanks for reading and sharing positive motivation! It is greatly appreciated. "LIKE" and "SHARE" 

find me on facebook. {{nina b viben}} xoxo

forREAL -101

Posted 2012-07-31 17:46:29 | Views: 2,489

It doesn't take a lot of

BIG words to make a BIG statement....



spread love NOT hate
speak DON'T stare

forgive THEN forget

be quiet TO listen

originate NOT imitate

trust God NOT man

teach DON'T preach

dedicate THEN commit

believe TO achieve

live LIFE for love

run to it NOT fear it


back to basics...



Everything doesn't have to be a big dramatization.

Growing and learning to LOVE is something you want to do.  You've just been hurt by the wrong people. Best way to heal your heart is to learn a

better way to LOVE...
It will take you HIGH.

shhhhhhhh.... it's a secret


umm YEA....

Posted 2012-07-30 13:37:02 | Views: 2,588


Sometimes you have to smile to keep from crying. I know you feel me on this. Last night I went out to take my mind off of all the bills and projects that I've got to take care off this week. Live Jazz outside warm summer evening. How could I resist? After the event we walked back to the car only to find that my car had a flat tire. SERIOUSLY?! UGGH! After changing outfits 25 times and accepting that I really didn't "NEED" a glass of wine or a cold beer, to enjoy the evening for "FREE". (Keep in mind that the intention was NOT to spend a dime). Anyhoo...back to the laughing and not crying part. umm yea.. RIGHT?! It's so tough...

but Music always calms me ...






OK....long story short.  I called AAA got the spare on and eventually made it home safe.  It's during these times that we can begin to grow. I have been slowly sharing my story and want to continue to encourage you to grow and choose HAPPINESS. It took me a minute to get back to my "HAPPY PLACE" while waiting for the tire to be fixed. Deciding that for what ever reason my trip home needed to be delayed. Not to mention how thankful I was that I didn't have a blow-out on the Highway. (that I just burned up less than 5 hours prior to having a flat). Smiling when you want to cry may sound ludicrous, but feeding into the negative energy is just waste of time. SO SMILE... seriously!! ;)


<<<<<----- I had to add this song because I so needed a wish last night (smiley face)
