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Ugly Goes Clear To The Bone!

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 18,539

"Beauty may be skin deep, but ugly goes 

clear to the bone."

- Redd Foxx 

A lot of Tattoos and Chicks

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,981



Lets cut the intro, you already know the drill. I compile a list of photos for you. You look at them and enjoy and share them with all of your friends. Easy? Right? Okay, so...go! 

Spider Man Rarities

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,657

He appeared in the last issue of a canceled magazine called Amazing Fantasy. He broke lots of rules about superheroes. He wasn't rich, didn't have a lair, tried to use his powers to earn money first, was motivated by guilt rather than altruism or revenge, was often hunted by the same people he helped, and he had the gall to be a teenager who was his own hero rather than a sidekick or mascot with the word "boy" or "kid" in his alias. And today, it almost seems strange to think of a comic book universe that existed before him.

Created in 1962 by Steve Ditko and Stan Lee, Peter Parker was a teenager with an incredible talent for science. Although he was funny and handsome, his interests in studies rather than sports made him a "nerd" in high school. One day, Peter attended a demonstration in radiation and particle accelerators and wound up bitten by a spider that had apparently been mutated by the experiments. The spider's radically altered venom coursed through his bloodstream, altering his biology. Within hours, Peter was powerful. He could leap 30 feet straight up into the air, cling to any surface by simple force of will, bench press several tons, and detect oncoming danger. His reflexes actually let him dodge bullets (with enough distance) and he was now agile enough to even balance on a single finger without difficulty. He had gained the "proportionate speed, strength and agility of a spider."


Initially, Peter tried to earn money off of his new powers by becoming the amazing Spider-Man, a costumed stunt performer. But when he arrogantly decided NOT to stop a robbery happening in front of him, karma came calling. Days later, the same criminal killed Peter's Uncle Ben during a botched burglary attempt. Realizing that his own apathy had caused this and that his great power came with great responsibility, Peter changed the direction of his life and began a career as a vigilante. While the Fantastic Four protected Earth from cosmic menaces and the Avengers fought gods and time traveling terrorists, Spider-Man fought these kinds of villains but also made a point to patrol the streets every day, hunting down thieves, gangsters, killers, rapists and anyone else that tried to escape the law. He's feared by the criminals of New York and loved by the fans of Marvel Comics and now he has a new title coming out, The Avenging Spider-Man.

So if you're picking up the first issue of this new series but aren't too familiar with Spidey outside of video games and movies, here are some things you may want to know about the wall-crawler and his history. Keep reading this article...




















Somethings You Might 

Not Know about

Super Woman Needs A Super Drink

Posted by Wildcats Views: 18,362

It's Friday Night. 

What are you doing? 

What do Vegan Zombies Eat?

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,000

What Do Vegan Zombies Eat? 


Black Face MLK Second Grader

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,802

Sean King, a second grade student at Meridian Ranch Elementary School in Falcon, Colorado, was given the assignment to do a living wax museum project regarding Dr. Martin Luther King.  


Sean, reportedly a good student who enjoys school, is white and wore black makeup on his face as part of his costume for the project.  
The young boy says that his classmates thought his costume was awesome.  School officials, however, thought otherwise.  
When Sean's parents arrived at the school, they were told that Sean's costume was a problem.   Sean was told by the school principal that the black face paint had to be removed immediately or he would have to go home.  
Sean's parents, Michelle and Anthony King, took the boy home.  
After the incident, the mother said:  
It's embarrassing.  It's sad for the kids and sad for Sean because he's a very good student.  He really thinks of school very highly.  

Second Grader Not Allowed to Portray MLK in 


 The school's staff would not say if Sean would be punished if he had refused to take off the makeup or if his grade will now be lowered regarding the incident.  
According to the school district which supported the principal's decision:  
When something becomes offensive or distracting, that's when it falls under the board policy of dress code, and making sure if something is distracting, that it's removed from the learning environment. The mother said that Sean was going to wash the paint off as soon as he was finished with his presentation and not cause a scene of any type.  Though distraught with the school's reaction to Sean's costume for his Martin Luther King, Jr. project, Michelle King says her son will attend the last week of school to finish out the school year.  

MCA Playing Bass

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,093


























Censorship Towels (Awesome)

Posted by Wildcats Views: 16,775

Clever: Censorship Towels 

Nudity: it can make things uncomfortable in the gym sauna and the FCC does not condone it. But hey, it's funny! And it's even funnier when it's covered up by shoddy pixelation. The Censorship Towel brings to life the familiar blur used to conceal butts on television.


Unfortunately it's just a concept. It comes from the Carmichael Collective, a Minneapolis-based company, that produces "creativity for creativity's sake," meaning they come up with a lot of cool ideas that don't necessarily turn into products. So it's back to your boring, prank-free linens. Or the tasteful nudity to which someone of your physique is obviously entitled.


Via: Gizmodo


Jedi Slut Tricks

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 17,415

Why is Facebook Going Public

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 13,817

Why is Facebook going 







      They couldn't figure out the private settings, either. 

Wocka, Wocka, Wocka! 

Booty Beauty All The Way

Posted by Wildcats Views: 14,681

Nothing quite lends itself to consumer confidence like a big ole butt, so fashion & beauty brand Bootie Babe brings us tushy-shaped nail polish, perfume and backpacks. I’ve always wanted to carry around my booty beauty products in my booty backpack. Then again I’m also completely nuts, so anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt anti-crazy pills. Seriously though, I can’t help but assume that a perfume in an ass-shaped container is gonna smell like ass. Butt (!!!) who am I to judge? As long as the nail polish smells like nail polish, I’m all good! I love that smell. I hold it in the same regard as the smell of gas and that’s really saying something (I’m saying I’m banned from Exxon). $4+



Fail List # 1,500

Works by Landon Metz

Posted by ParisCollective Views: 14,973

The Leaf and the Wind (IV), 2011, Enamel on canvas, 36 x 42.5 inches

 was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1985. His current occupation is artist. Here is a few of his works I found on his website. I hope you enjoy if you would like to check out more click here. 



Grand (V), 2011, Enamel on canvas, 32 x 25 inches

Kiki Valdes Joins Michael Margulies Artist Agency

Posted by KikiValdes Views: 20,140

MIAMI, FL (Feb 14th 2012)  - The Michael Margulies Artist Agency announced expressionist painter, Kiki Valdes, as the newest addition to its roster of artists. Margulies considers Valdes as a step in an exciting new direction that will provide an additional level of diversity amongst the agency’s artists. Kiki is the first expressionist painter to be represented by the agency. 


“Kiki is going to appeal to a new genre of clients attracted to expressionist painting - a style that is more about the moment and intentions rather than the execution,” says Michael Margulies. “It’s a different way of looking at art that a lot of people can identify with. Kiki is very talented and we are happy to be a part of his career.”



“I've always been uncomfortable when art is talked about more than just looking at it. Laughter, tears or in awe is paintings best language.”

- Kiki Valdes 


Based in New York, Valdes is a Cuban-American who's work explores the multidimensional complexities of people, religion, American-life, sex, and superstition. His canvases tend to overlap on top of various unresolved paintings and capture a sense of association, rhythm and conflict. The work can best be described as a marriage between abstract expressionism, cartoons and Caribbean folklore. 


Based in Miami, the Michael Margulies Artist Agency specializes in the representation and marketing of contemporary artists, as well as Artist estates. The agency collaborates with galleries, art fairs, museums, and other art institutions to present the utmost awareness of its art catalog while operating with an unconventional business model. For more information, visit or email [email protected]




How To Deal With Snobs

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,048

  • Talk with them. Not all snobs intentionally engage in such behavior; explaining to them that they do can sometimes get them to rethink their views and actions. Or, if they're purposefully being a snob, question some of their more egregious comments in an attempt to understand the snob's point of view. Counter with your own viewpoint to create an ongoing dialogue.


  • Ignore them. Snobs can make really asinine comments sometimes, but you can simply choose not to respond if they are infrequent. Dismiss the snobby comment by meeting it with silence, a disapproving sigh or a roll of the eyes. You can also walk away, thereby reducing the words' power or impact.



  • Confront the snob during a conversation by changing the subject and announcing how much you dislike snobbery and why. Speak clearly, calmly and articulately about how ugly and obnoxious snobbery can be, and how those who engage in such behavior tend to be insecure. This approach may cause snobs some embarrassment and could cause a few uncomfortable moments, particularly if others are also involved in the conversation or are listening in.



There are plenty of asshole snobs in the work place, fashion world, art world and everywhere inbetween. Maybe this will help you deal with the stuck up types. I doubt this will help though. ha

The Essence of Freedom.

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 16,447

What is the essence of America?  Finding and maintaining that perfect, delicate balance between freedom "to" and freedom "from."  

- Marilyn vos Savant, in Parade

You Aren't Ugly After All

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 13,811



























































































SEVER'S Mural "The Death of Street Art"

Posted by Postgraffism Views: 12,319


A new mural in Hamtramck claims street art has gone mainstream, and it's causing enough controversy to show public opinion on graffiti remains divided.


The maker of the provocative piece is SEVER, an Atlanta-based graffiti artist who has a day job as a professional muralist. He's one of a cadre "writers" participating in the Detroit Beautification Project, which brought in graffiti artists from around the world to paint murals all over town. 


But while SEVER's loaded, tongue-in-cheek "Death of Street Art" piece at Joseph Campau and Goodson St. -- featuring a coffin labeled "Street Art" carried by cartoon-like characters riffing on notable artists -- received accolades from graffiti fans, it rubbed several local residents the wrong way.

Keep reading this article....

No Texting While Walking in Fort Lee, NJ

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 14,430

Texting While Walking? 

now lands you a ticket in Fort Lee, NJ. 

Text addicts beware — a New Jersey town is mounting a crackdown on texting while walking.

Police in Fort Lee, N.J., have issued more than 117 jaywalking tickets in the last month and a half, and cops say texting pedestrians are some of the biggest offenders, according to Philadelphia TV station WTXF.


“It’s a big distraction. Pedestrians aren’t watching where they’re going. They’re not aware,” police chief Thomas Ripoli told WTXF.


Ripoli said 20 people have been hit by cars so far this year in the Bergen County town — many because they were too absorbed texting or talking on their phones to keep track of traffic around them.


Fort Lee police started by handing out pamphlets warning against “dangerous” walking during a two-week grace period, then started whacking offenders with $85 fines.


“Even kids,” Ripoli told The Record. “We just hope their parents would make them pay the fine. ”

Is this unconstitutional or what? Doesn’t Fort Lee have better things to do then keep taking more rights away from people? What next? Can’t talk while walking? Can’t drink soda in the drivers seat? 

Heart Felt Message from Mike D

Posted by HorrorBBQ Views: 15,707

I know, we should have tweeted and instagrammed every sad, happy and inspired thought, smile or tear by now. But honestly the last few days have just been a blur of deep emotions for our closest friend, band mate and really brother. I miss Adam so much. He really served as a great example for myself and so many of what determination, faith, focus, and humility coupled with a sense of humor can accomplish. The world is in need of many more like him. We love you Adam.

                                                                                                     - Mike D of the Beastie Boys

The Truth About Music

Posted by DarlingPD Views: 16,251

Music sets everyone free. Everyone loves music. At least everyone that falls in love. If someone hates music...the moment they meet someone they are crazy about, whatever song is playing at the first place they meet, that person will love music after that moment. True story...