A butterfly floats on the breeze of a sun lit day. As I feel this reality gently fade away. Riding on a thought to see where it's from. Gliding through a memory of a time yet to come. Smoke paints the air. Swirling images through my mind. Like a whirlpool spin beginning to unwind. And I stand at the edge cautiously awaiting. As time slips by. Carefully navigating by the stars in the sky and I sit and I think to myself. And on the horizon the sun light begins to climb. And it seems like it's been so long since he shined. But I'm sure it was only yesterday. A cold chill of fear cut through me. I felt my heart contract. To my mind I brought the image of light, and I expanded it out. My fear was just a shadow. And then a voice spoke in my head. And she said dark is not the opposite of light, it's the absence of light. And I thought to myself, she knows what she's talking about. And for a moment I knew what it was all about.
- (Adam Yauch lyrics from the song Namaste)
(August 5, 1964 – May 4, 2012)
Ron English is a contemporary artist that’s been blending classic brands and imagery along with current pop-culture since the early 80's. He has been a heavy player in the street art scene and even influenced a younger generation of artists considered Postgraffists. His guerrilla semiotics approach intended to expose apparently questionable political assumptions behind commercial culture in a colorful way grabs the attention of viewers. English uses common tactics including re-figuring logos, fashion statements, and product images as a means to challenge the idea of "what's cool" along with assumptions about the personal freedoms of consumption.
Is Ron English the founding father of an art movement called Postgraffism?
Dogs have given us their absolute all. We are the center of their universe. We are the focus of their love and faith and trust. They serve us in return for scraps. It is without a doubt the best deal man has ever made.
- Roger Caras
Curious events and folklore tales are plentiful in history, which propagated myths about bad luck and black cats. King Charles I of England owned a black cat. The day the cat died, the story goes that he proclaimed, "Alas, my luck has run out." He was arrested for high treason.
Part of Babylonian folklore includes a cat curled up in front of a fireplace to be symbolic of an evil serpent. Since cats have exceptional night vision, some folks believe the myth that cats can see ghosts.
Ages ago, if a farmer suspected that his land had been cursed, the only method to remove the spell was to shoot a black cat with a silver bullet. It was also believed that if an unexpected misfortune fell upon a village where an old woman owning a black cat resided, she would be accused of witchcraft, and she and her feline companion would be burned at the stake. The black cat certainly has had its share of vicious folklore.
Via: Petside
Say Anything...to a 13 Year Old.
Via: Poe Forward
I am aware the new film 'The Raven' came out this weekend. To celebrate, here is a little famous fun fact about Mr. Poe.
Chase Your Dream Girl.
don't let anything stop you.
Some guys make a lot of money. Some guys are broke and pissed off about it. This life we have choices. We also have some choices in love. At least in the beginning part of it. In a nutshell fellas, go after your dream girl. It's pretty damn simple. Are you going to keep sitting on the sideline? Are you gonna keep letting the girl at the supermarket (that you know is single) just walk by?
Most (good hearted women) love confidence. You have confidence don't you? You have the confidence to get in your car everyday. Do you know how dangerous it is to drive? But, you have the confidence to do that every single day to go to a job you might not enjoy. Think about it for a second. Pull your balls out of your ass for once and do something you don't do everyday, and do it naturally. Go after that girl!
Take a picture of the mosh pit. Wait, does that even exist anymore?
Cinco de Mayo
These are amazing. I'm not going to post the whole recipe here in this post. You are going to have to check it out at the source link. I am simply posting pictures of how to assemble these totally awesome and orginal cooks. These multi-striped, burro piñata sugar cookies come complete with hollow centers that you can fill with a secret stash of your favorite candies. Break open or bite into these festive treats and be greeted with a sugary surprise. Olé!
Via: She Knows
How do you know if
someone is vegan?
they will fucking tell you.
The Price of Gas
is feeling more and more like hell.
You know the type loud as a motor bike
But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight
The Attack of the
Tiger Shrimp!
NEW ORLEANS—A big increase in reports of Asian tiger shrimp along the U.S. Southeast coast and in the Gulf of Mexico has federal biologists worried the species is encroaching on native species' territory.
The black-and-white-striped shrimp can grow 13 inches long and weigh a quarter-pound, compared to eight inches and a bit over an ounce for domestic white, brown and pink shrimp. Scientists fear the tigers will bring disease and competition for native shrimp.
Shrimp are all bottom feeders, eating detritus and small animals. Bigger shrimp would eat more and these get so big they also eat small shrimp and fish, marine ecologist James A. Morris said.
Reports of tiger shrimp in U.S. waters rose from a few dozen a year -- 21 in 2008, 47 in 2009 and 32 in 2010 -- to 331 last year, from North Carolina to Texas.
"That's a big jump," said Pam Fuller, who keeps a federal invasive species database at the U.S. Geological Survey's Southeast Ecological Science Center in Gainesville, Fla.
And those are just the numbers reported to the government.
"I've had fishermen tell me they have quit bringing them in. They are seeing large numbers in their catch -- multiples per night," said Morris, who works at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Center for Coastal Fisheries and Habitat Research in Beaufort, N.C.
The increase "is the first indication that we may be undergoing a true invasion of Asian tiger shrimp," he said. Keep Reading this Article
The biggest saltwater shrimp in the world, black tigers are cannibalistic as are other shrimp but it’s larger so it can consume the others. In a nutshell, (it can fuck shit up.) -- Via: CNN
Source: Boston
This skull was discovered in France between 1920 and 1940.
Its easily one of the more disputed and controversial artifacts of its time.
The museum of supernatural history claims (through analysis) that the horns are in fact, naturally a part of the skull.
Via: Subtle Pretext
"When we see a natural style, we are astonished and charmed; for we expected to see an author, and we find a person."
- Blaise Pascal
Kim ain't
"...of course there are a lot of media inaccuracies surrounding this past couple of weeks, especially the 'She's my Beyonce' quote. I would never compare anyone to my friend's wife,"
For some reason I found this quote from Kanye West funny. For one, he has a very valid point and two, the media is so fuckin' stupid sometimes. They make shit out of their ass for a story. But, at the same time...it's just funny that pop culture goes where it goes these days. Anything can be asked, and anything can happen.
- Kanye West
Source: US Weekly